Chapter 2

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Blaire's POV

"Say something!" I panicked and yelled a little. Shawn just stood there, like a dear in headlights. He was at lose at words.

"What are we gonna do Blaire? We are only teenagers!" He moved his hands onto the steering wheel and started to drive.

"How are we going to tell our parents?" Shawn asked. "I don't know, Shawn." I looked at him and took my phone out of my back pocket.

I had a couple missed calls from my mom and a message from my best friend, Spencer.

Spencer: Call me ASAP!!

I dialed her number and she answered right away. "Hello?" Spencer had said. "You wanted me to call?" I asked.

"Uh yeah. Can you come over? We need to talk!" She giggled. "Can Shawn come?" I kinda rolled my eyes because I knew he didn't wanted to go.

"Uh yeah sure. See you soon!" We said our goodbyes and I hung up. "We are going to Spence's house." I demanded.

"We gonna tell her?" He asked as I nodded. Once we got there, we got out and I let myself in. Shawn was holding my hand but he still seemed pissed about the whole pregnancy thing.

"Spencer?" I yelled, making it echo in her house. "Living room." She yelled back, as Shawn shut the door. We walked into the living room together and sat down on the couch next to her.

"Spencer, if we tell you something, you can't be mad or tell anyone!" I exclaimed. "I won't, promise." Spencer stuck her picky out like we were 10.

I rolled my eyes and continued talking, "Me and Shawn... are uh, expecting." I fake smiled after saying it. "You're... pregnant?" Her eyes grew huge.

I nodded and gripped Shawn's hand. "What are we gonna do?" Shawn freaked out. "Babe, calm down!" I places my open hand on our conjoined fingers.

Spencer looked concerned. "Have you told anyone?" She asked. "Only you and Shawn!" I said. "When are you telling your parents?" Spencer kept asking questions.

"By tonight!" Shawn interrupted. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "Shawn maybe you should go to the car, I'll be there in a bit. Spence has to tell me something anyways!" I offered.

"Gladly!" He dropped my hand and stomped out of the house. I felt like Shawn just stabbed me in my heart. "What did you have to tell me?" I asked her.

"Guess who texted me last night?" She got excited. "Who?" I smiled. "Riley... the one older than us!" I gasped, Spencer has had the biggest crush on him since 8th grade.

One of our good friends, Kayla, is his sister and we used to hang out with her all the time when we were younger.

"Get you something!" I squealed. We both laughed. My eyes looked at the window and Shawn was sitting in the parked car, on his phone and he still looked pissed.

"I have to go, I'll call you later!" I started getting up. "Okay, let me know how it goes." Spencer walks me to the door and let's me out.

I jog to the car and opened the passenger door. Shawn jumped as I slowly get into the car. "Yours or mine first?" I asked, buckling my seat belt.

"What?" Shawn looked confused. "Are we going to tell my parents or your parents first?" I snapped back with attitude.

"Yours, then mine!" He started backing out of the driveway. "I'm sorry!" I said. "For what? This baby is going to have both of its parents!" He snapped back.

"I don't know if I want to keep him or her. Maybe adoption is our best bet?" I shrugged. "We are not putting it up for adoption, Blaire!" Shawn demanded.

"We will figure this out some other time, for now we have parents to deal with." We pulled into my driveway.

My heart was beating out of my chest, while me and Shawn entered my house. Our hands were intertwined.

"Mom, Dad?" I turned the corner into the kitchen. "Hey honey!" My mom said, cuttings carrots. My dad was at the breakfast bar, eating the cucumbers that were already cut up.

"Can I speak with both of you?" I asked. Shawn just stayed quiet, "Yeah, is everything okay?" My dad asked.

"I really don't know how you guys will react or how you're going to take this. But no matter what I decide to do, I will always love you!" I said, clutching harder onto Shawn's hand.

"Honey...?" My mom stopped and put the knife down. "I'm... pregnant!"

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