"Tom?" I asked. "What happened? Why is everyone so cautious of what they say?"
"You... you got into an accident, and the doctors said you would feel pain if you remembered the events..."
"Tom please don't lie to me..." I said. "I need to know..."
"I can't tell you. It's not my place." He sighed.
I sighed in defeat, turning the Tv to the news.
"- the suspect has been identified as Tord Larsson, who some how managed to fake his death. What this means for the world, Nobody seems to know-"
"He's alive?" Tom asked.
"Did you know him?"
"Yeah, I used to be good friends with him." He sighed.
"Want anything from the mall?" I asked. "I'm bored and wanna walk around."
"Go ahead." Tom shrugged. "You have your cell and pistol and ammo, right?"
"Always do!" I winked. "Bye Tom."
Everything was calm here, children were laughing, parents were talking, everyone was happy. It made me calm....
And hungry. Definitely hungry.
"How may I help you?"
"Id like to order a-"
"EVERYBODY ON THE GROUND." A mans voice yelled, following gunshots.
All of the stores border up, leaving the customers helpless in the middle, many crying, most confused, and me pissed off. Who the hell does this guy think he is? He interrupted my lunch!
I pulled out my gun, shooting the guys real arm. His mechanical one went straight to it, looking at who shot him, his eyes widened in shock.
"Boss?!" Somebody yelled.
"Leave her to me, shoot anyone who runs!" He yelled back at the soldier.
"Shit." I muttered, running at full speed to the open GameStop.
Gun shots were exploding everywhere, children were now crying, and now their parents were too. Tord Larsson the red leader.
Wait why am I afraid? I'm the Purple leader for Christ sakes! No, that army's huge. There's no way I can wipe them all out at once...
"Gun down." He growled, from the outside of the door.
I was hiding behind one of the racks with all the games, perfectly hidden if I do say so myself. Though, if I speak this guy will find me in an instant...
"You need to leave (Y/N)." He said, his voice pleading. "You cannot get hurt by them, I won't let them touch you, but you have to leave now."
"Why the fuck do you care?" I asked, standing up, pointing a gun to his head.
He had bags under his eyes, he looked like crap honestly. This guy has some sort of background with me, and I don't know what or why.
"Look, I know this is-"
"Larsson. What did you do to my memory?" I asked putting the gun down.
"I had to erase it." He replied solemnly.
"Why? Did I see something I wasn't supposed to?!"
"Look it's not like that-"
"Then what else is it almighty red leader?! I'm not a pawn in your stupid game and neither are these people you're killing!"
"You're right, because you're my queen."
My mind stopped, my heart beating out of my chest. Tord looked at me with hopeful eyes, but shook his head and walked over to me. Tears were running down my cheeks, and I don't even know why.
The memories are still gone, except one.
"Don't forgive me..."
"Y-You died..." I whispered looking at him.
He gave a sad smile, and wiped the tears off of my cheeks. He looked into me eyes, my eyes returning to see a sad man, destroyed by his own doings.
"I know." He whispered back. "We need to get you back home before-"
"Self destruct in 10-"
"Fuck!" He yelled. "Come on!"
I ran quickly behind him.
There was people still inside!
"Don't leave a single person behind." He yelled into the wallow talkie.
I excepted his grasp on my wrist. I turned around and ran right back inside, people were being evacuated, but they forgot a child.
I picked the girl up, and ran as fast as I could out.
The world slowed. We wouldn't make it out in time.
The doors are right there!
The explosion went off shooting me and the girl through the glass, landing both of us on the hard pavement below. I attempted to stand, only to fall to my hands and knees. The girl was a mess, her parents scooped her up and ran.
The ringing in my ears only grew louder as I coughed up blood. My knees hurt, I think I
broke a rib, and my head is bleeding. My visions fading, but I won't let myself go... I can't..."Tord..." I whispered falling to the ground.
Only I didn't hit my head on the ground. I saw a fuzzy Tord, holding my head, gently placing my on the ground. I felt something stab my right arm, and I felt no pain.
I yelled sitting up, my arm is bandaged? It wasn't a dream then...
How did I get here?
"Oh thank god." Tom said rushing into the room.
"Who the hell is Tord?" I asked.
"He hurt you (Y/N)...."
"That doesn't answer my question."
"I promised I wouldn't tell you in order to keep you safe." He shook his head. "I'm sorry (Y/N) this is for the best."
The best my ass.

Tord X Reader part 3
FanfictionA continuation of the second one. I'm great at these descriptions. COVER BY COSMIC-ARTZ ON TUMBLR