"We don't have an army and he does." I sighed as we walked down the road. "What the hell do we do now?"
"Destroy his army with what we've got." Paul suggested. "You have the brains, he has the guns."
"You are a genius!" I said in excitement. "This is perfect. We attack his base here, attacking the control system. Do you know where that is?"
"Of course ma'am. We ran this base." Patryk smirked.
"Perfect!" I said. "I can set off a 'distraction' and you guys can destroy the control system. Deal?"
"Deal." They nodded.
We quickened our pace, finding the base within an hour. The only issue was, it had been abandoned. It seemed as though it had been for weeks, even though it was the closest to the group.
"There's no way they could have left weeks ago..." I muttered to myself.
Paul and Patryk stood, stunned. I met there gaze, looking at what they were staring at.
It was a whole plan. Mapped out and written down of how he was going to kill Tom, and then keep me as his queen wether I liked it or not. Tears began flowing out of my eyes, causing me to shut my opened jaw.
I stood speechless as the nearly flawless plan. It ended with me coming here, to find it empty. I turned to find Paul and Patryk missing, and attempted to run out of the room, hoping to get out before it was to late.
My head hit the closed door as I tripped, causing me to black out.
He had this whole thing planned out...
Every thought I have he already knew...
He won.
It's game over.
I woke up handcuffed to a wall with my arms over my head. I struggled against the metal, only to have it get tighter. A door opened, revealing a painfully bright light.
I was sitting in a almost normal room, except for the chains and equipment I couldn't see mere centimeters out of my foots reach. Tord walked in with a sinister look, his arms behind his back.
"What did you do to them?!" I yelled.
"Paul and Patryk? They're in the dungeon, where they belong. They've betrayed me for the last time." He chuckled maniacally.
"What happened to you Tord? You were so kind... so loving... and now-"
"All a facade to get you to trust me." He smirked, forcefully grabbing my chin. "And now, you're my slave."
"I am not your anything bastard." I said, spitting on his face.
He grabbed a whip, hitting my ribs, causing me to cry out in pain as my legs moved to protect my body.
"Don't ever do that again." He growled. "Next time, I won't be so gentle."
"Why did you kill him..." I whispered.
"He was only going to get in the way." He tsked. "In order to have a good plan, you need to eliminate the people that could cause trouble. I wanted you to stay away so I could keep you safe, but you kept coming back. Such a shame really."
"I hope you burn in hell."
"Been there, done that." He laughed.
(Periods don't exist in this book.)
He kept me there for three months, feeding me once every day, giving my water twice everyday, and moving my cuffs to a corner of the room that has become my bathroom. It's become a daily process I've tried to refuse multiple times, but end up being punished if I don't.
"Open." He says, holding the spoon in his hand.
I obey, only because I am basically starving. He feeds me soup, and that's it. One soup a day, keeps me alive for the next, and the next, and so on. I'm skin and bone now, I have nothing anymore.
"Just let me die." I said, watching him turn and grab a water bottle.
"I'm afraid that's not how this works." He grinned. "This is your life now, as my slave. Get it?"
"Just let me die." I said, tears spilling out of my eyes. "That's all I want..."
"And you aren't going to get to die." He sighed, shaking his head. "Learn to like it here, you get food-"
"Once a day."
"Twice a day."
"Cut me off one more time and I'll cut your tung out." He growled, grabbing my chin. "You're staying here. That's final."

Tord X Reader part 3
أدب الهواةA continuation of the second one. I'm great at these descriptions. COVER BY COSMIC-ARTZ ON TUMBLR