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"Hey babe~"

I jumped, grabbing the gun under my pillow, and pointed it at him.

"Jesus, chill." He laughed.

"Screw you Tord." I said throwing myself onto my pillow. "I'm tired..."

"Come on." He said, rolling his eyes.

"But I'm trying to sleep!" I wined.

In the blink of an eye Tord was pinning my hands to the bed, over me.

"Tord..." I wined.

"We have to go if-"

"Tom wait up!" I yelled to the seven year old boy.

"Not if you can't catch me!" He laughed back.

It all happened so fast, the truck pulling up next to me, the guy jumping out of the bush and throwing me into the truck. Tom yelled, and ran after it, but he wasn't fast enough.

Age 13, name 1612. Best soldier in the class. Hair short, eyes foreword, body turned skin and bones. I watched children be slaughtered every day, those were the ones who were too weak.

Tom was threatened daily, saying that he would be killed right in front of me if I didn't comply.

Dan (yellow leader) promised me we would get out alive, and we did at age 16. But by then I was dead. I had no morals, no soul. I was lifeless, with no where to go. I joined Dan on his rain of terror, only to leave after he captured and killed children.

I created the Purple army to save children from their family's and enemies, but that was quickly stopped. So I found Tom, and bought the house across from him.

Life was good until I met Tord.

"(Y/N)!" Tord barked alarmingly. "The hell just happened?"

"I-I don't know?"

"You just fainted, and started balling your eyes out!" He sighed, rolling off of me to the empty side of the bed. "You wanna talk about it?"

"Nope." I said.

"It's about your past isn't it?" He sighed again. "No matter how hard I look, I kind find a single trace of your past! Except for that tattoo on your ribcage..."

"Please don't look into it..." I begged. "My past is a past for a reason, id rather not think about it..."

Seeing Tom again brought back the life in me, I hoped to God he was alive, turns out he was. It wasn't really hard to find him, for he was all over the Internet.

"(Y-Y/N)?" He asked in disbelief as I stood at his door.

"Who else doesn't have eyes?" I said, looking at him up and down. "God you look older."

"I-I'm sorry I couldn't find you. I tried so hard (Y/N)-"

"Tom it's fine." I shuttered.

"Where did you go? I thought you were dead..." he said, tears forming into his void for eyes. "Mom thought you were dead..."

"Good, let's keep it that way." I said smiling.

"(Y/N) you did it again." Tord whispered. "You're scaring me babe..."

"You? Scared? Yeah right." I teased. "I'm fine, really."

"Wait." He suddenly went silent. "(Y/N) let me see that tattoo-"

"NO!" I yelled, falling off the bed. "Tord please, i-it's fine."

"It's obviously not." He said, walking over to me. "(Y/N) I don't see the big deal out of this-"

"You're forever one of us now." The man said, placing the burning hot iron on my skin.

I screamed in agony, thrashing against the restraints. I was only 7... I was innocent... I had a life, a brother, a home...

Tord looked at me with surprise as the brand was uncovered. I blushed, and backed all the way up to the wall away from him. His eyes were wide, and yet full of sympathy.

"(Y/N) I-"

"Stop." I shook my head. "Don't pity me."


"That's why I didn't tell you. You're only going to pity me, and think of me as even weaker."

"That's not true." He shook his head. "You are the only one that I know that made it out alive."

"Dan did too, but you killed him..."

"Is that why you hid your past from me?" He asked. "Because you thought I'd pity you?"

"Yes." I said, pulling my knees to my chest. "They kept telling me they'd kill Tom... He's the only reason I didn't kill myself. I nearly did, but Dan stopped me."

"(Y/N) I'm sorry..." he said. "Had I known-"

"Tord stop." I said, standing up. "Why the hell are you blaming yourself? It's not like you caused it..."

"I wouldn't have killed as many people in the mall..."

"Stop being an idiot." I chuckled. "It's fine, it was a long time ago."


I cut him off with a small kiss on his lips.

"Come on, let's go do something." I smiled.

"Deal." He smiled back.

Tord X Reader part 3Where stories live. Discover now