I awoke at home, to the sound of knocking on my door. I swiftly walked down stairs, it was after all, only 10am.
"Hello?" I asked still a bit sleepy.
"(Y/N), Tord has sent you this letter." Paul said, handing an envelope to me.
I opened it to total shock.
Dear beloved,
I regret to inform you, I must flee from England. Paul and Patryk will be my messengers, but my army will stay by my side. I must go now, I do apologize for not reaching you any other way, but anybody could have tracked the phone signal.
Yours truly,
"Why did he send you?" I asked. "Couldn't he have just sent it himself? Or even-"
"I don't bother to ask these questions (Y/N)." He sighed. "I'll come back if he sends anything, okay?"
"Fair enough." I shrugged. "Good luck Paul."
"To you too (Y/N)." He smiled.
"(Y/N)!" Matt came running down the road.
"Hey Ma-"
"HAPPY BRITHDAY!" He yelled tackling me in a hug.
"It's my birthday today?" I asked. "Oh, Look at that!"
I smiled lightly pushing him off of me. Edd and Tom came running after him, Paul chuckled and left. Tord didn't even stay for my birthday? Perhaps he's just to busy, or even forgot. It's not like I brought it up much.
"Why do you look so sad?" Tom asked.
"Tords not here..." I sighed.
"We can still have fun like the old times (Y/N)." Tom smiled, pulling me into a side hug.
"Yeah..." I sighed, smiling wide. "Let's go laser tagging!"
"Yes!" Everyone cheered.
We ended the game with pizza and cake at a nearby arcade. I, of course, won. Tom came in second, Edd in third, and Matt in last. Matt sat with a mirror the whole time, not really playing with us a lot.
I honestly felt a lot better, a Ton actually. Tord may be gone, but that doesn't matter. He was off fighting someone, and surly it would be on the news later, right?
"You're doing it again." Tom sighed.
"What?" I asked innocently.
"You're staring off into space, thinking of Tord aren't you?"
"Yeah..." I replied.
"You're fine without him (Y/N)." He smiled. "Let's go home okay?"
"Yeah." I nodded.
He's right, I probably am better off without-
"Tord Larsson has struck again, killing thousands of people in Russia. Who is safe now from him?" The news cast blared.
"(Y/N)?" Tom asked.
"Huh?" I replied.
"Are you alright?" Edd asked.
"Y-Yeah." I lied, nodding my head yes. "I-I think I'll just go to sleep guys."
"Of course, happy birthday (Y/N)." They all cheered.
"Tord please, this doesn't have to end this way." I said, standing on top of a flat area on a hill.
"You're right, it doesn't. If you just apologize-"
"Apologize for what?!" I yelled. "You killed him Tord!"
"You didn't have to kill my army."
"Ready?" I asked, looking directly into his eyes.
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-"
Finger on the trigger, I'm ready to die.
Except, he threw away his shot as I hit him square in the head.
"Tord?!" I yelled running to him.
He was dead.
I sat up, kicking the blankets off of my body.
No more Hamilton for me. That's for sure.
"(Y/N)?" Tom asked groggily.
I forgot I was in here... I thought I was home? Must have passed out somewhere...
"How did I get here?" I asked.
"Passed out as you reached the door." He chuckled. "You having dreams again?"
"Yeah, but nothing I can't handle." I fake smiled.
"(Y/N), you wouldn't scream in your sleep if you could handle it."
"Fell asleep listening to Hamilton..." I laughed.
"Oh." He laughed with me. "I'll see you in the morning then."
"Yeah..." I sighed as he shut the door.
Not sorry for that reference. Not sorry at all.

Tord X Reader part 3
FanficA continuation of the second one. I'm great at these descriptions. COVER BY COSMIC-ARTZ ON TUMBLR