Chapter XVIII

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"Sir, do you happen to know the patient?" the nurse asked me while my eyes remained fixed on the person in front of me.

I looked at her as she pushed the wheel chair near us once again and I made the guy sit on it.

"No. I'm sorry. I think I just mistook him for another person. What is his name?" I asked out of my confusion.

"He's called "A" sir but aside from that, we know nothing from him. He's been here for a while and since he can't remember anything, he is still here for the treatment."

"Oh. Is that so?"

"Yes sir."

"Well, I guess I'm taking my leave then." I smiled at her causing her cheeks to turn beet red and A was just staring at me as if he wanted to say something but he couldn't.

I can't help but pat him in the head and gave him an assuring smile before I left. He looks so familiar and the way his eyes remained fixed on mine was another question. I never met him before but why does it feel like we know each other too well?

I arrived at the main building of our company where I spotted Seungcheol making a call on the parking lot. He was yelling on the other line and he looked devastated from afar.

"Can you please think about it? You know I'm serious right?" he said but when he saw me, he gave me an awkward smile. "I'll call you later, I'm just going to do something important."

"Why did you turn it off? Another girl?" I smirked and he remained silent, still staring at his phone.

"I'm worried man." He said nervously, clenching his knuckles and releasing a deep sigh.

"About what?"

"You see, I started seeing Xia's sister and well, she's a bit hard to get." He sighed once again and I can't help but grin at that.

"You finally found someone who killed the playboy in you." I teased and he suddenly turned red from what I've said.

"Shut up! How about you? How dare you turn down a girl? After those clips showing her visiting you at the hospital? She didn't give her statement but the news says that you two finally end up. Is that true?"

"I don't even remember dating her. It's all her in her head. Can you stop nagging me please? Mind your own business." I rolled my eyes and walked in a faster pace that he is.

"Today you're going in an interview for a noon-time show. You're probably going to do another hosting in a catwalk event next week and then photo-shoot for the summer special." Mr. Lee explained my schedule for the whole month and it feels endless and tiring just by hearing it.


"Tell us if we're giving you too much and I'll cancel some of it."

"No..No... everything's fine with me. I know Seungcheol would be there with me."

"I'm afraid to say that Mr. Choi will be doing another matter so for the time being, Dino will be managing you until Mr. Choi is out of his business."

"That's surprising."

"You should get going then."

I left Mr. Lee's office and surely, Dino greeted me with a huge grin on his face. He was carrying the stuffs Seungcheol usually carries.

"The other staff's in the van heading to V Station. We'll be accompanied by the company's car so you don't have to worry about driving anymore." He explained to me while I nodded in response.

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