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Meredith's POV:

I needed to find them. Derek and Lexie.

but what if I find someone first, only to figure out the other one is already dead?

how was I going to choose between my sister and the love of my life?

"Meredith? Mer, we need to go find Derek and Lexie. You go find Derek and I will go with Mark and find Lexie.. got it?" Said my person, trying to keep it together.

I knew she was in pain, not just physically but emotionally. She was doing the best she could, and I'll say that she was doing better than everyone here.

"Uh... yeah... yeah that'll work. I'll go look for Derek.." I said, while managing to try and get up and walk for the first time.

I was aching really bad, but it didn't matter. I needed to find the love of my life.

Lexie's POV:

What's the point? Nobody's going to hear me I can barely yell with the plane over my abdomen. I did the only thing I could possibly think of..

I found a seat belt near me and decided to hit the metal against the plane. It made a loud enough sound to be heard, to get help. I just hoped it would work.

Arizona's POV:

"He..hello? Is anyone there?" I heard an unrecognizable voice call out quietly. It must have been the pilot, although I couldn't recall what his name was.

"Um.. hi.. I'm. I'm here. I'm Arizona Robbins, pediatric surgeon at Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital. Who's there?"

"Uh it's the a.. the pilot.. I'm Jerry."

"Okay Jerry please stay there, I'm going to get you help as soon as.."

and that was how I ended up staring at my own bone.. How ironic.

It was almost funny actually. I started laughing out of no where, giving Jerry confusion.

"Um.. what's so funny?"

"We..well..." I started as I continued to laugh.

It's kind of funny that I'm married to an orthopedic surgeon, yet I'm staring... staring at my bone... I mean it's not funny it's really not but..." I said as my laughing wouldn't stop.

Until Jerry said those six words.


"Yeah?" I said while still laughing?

"I can't feel my leg..."

And that's when the laughing stopped.

"Yeah... I knew that wasn't good.."

Mark's POV:

While Meredith was looking for Derek,
Cristina and I were looking for Lexie.

We heard a banging noise somewhere and we couldn't tell who it was.

When we got closer, I saw the hand. I recognized that hand.

I've held that hand.

It was the hand that stroked my hair when I was hurt, the hand I held when I met her father, the hand I was going to hold to help her get through this.

"Lexie." I said.

As we walked closer, we could see Lexie under the plane. I couldn't even imagine what kind of pain she must have been going through.

"Lex.. it's me, we're going to get you out of here."

"O...okay..." she said in pain.

I couldn't stand to see this happening to her. The love of m... I mean Lexie, could possibly die today.

There is no way I was letting that happen.

Cristina's POV:

I absolutely hated to say this, but I think Lexie is going to die. There's no way Mark and I could possibly get this plane off of her. It's too heavy, and we might cause more damage to her than before.

"Mark... I don't...."

I was cut off when Mark said "she's not dying today. We're going to save her, no matter HOW hard we have to try. You don't just give up in the OR, so how is it any different?"

He's right. We just have to try. Lexie Grey will not be dying today.

I hope....

Derek's POV:

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed as the rock made contact with my hand. It hurt extremely bad, but that didn't matter.. I HAD to find Meredith. I can't live without her and I need to make sure she's alright. I just HAD to.

"MEREDITH!!!!" I yelled.


"MEREDITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I called out again.

I decided to get up instead, as yelling for her wouldn't get me any closer to finding her.

How the hell did I get in this position?

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