A Big Day

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Peter was 25 years old, and so far all of his 25 birthdays had been celebrated without his dad. This year that was probably gonna change. But the truth was, he wasn't sure he wanted to. Surprisingly to most people, Peter didn't like birthday parties. Sure, he liked the gifts, the cake and that it was all about him. (Or well, most of it. It's Wanda's birthday as well, after all.) But birthday parties meant a lot of people, eagerly watching him as he opened his gifts, wanting to congratulate him and hear him say thank you and blablabla. It always takes so much time. The last time he actually had a birthday party was when he was 15. As usual, he'd celebrate it with Wanda. And as usual everything was going way too slow. People came in at two, and it lasted hours. Everyone wanted to see every gift opened up individually and all that, and the whole blow out the candles, but don't forget to make a wish first thing. If it wasn't for Wanda, he wouldn't have waited and just blown them out in a split second. But for Wanda, he didn't. Because he cared enough about her not to ruin it. That was until an hour later when he couldn't take it anymore and speed unwrapped all of his gifts and had to face scowls from his mother, laughter from his sisters and an entire room full of shocked, and slightly scared people. After that, he promised never to have a birthday party again and he intended to keep it that way.

'Peter! Someone's on the phone for you.' He heard Jean's voice outside his door. He sped down to the small room where the phone was and answered it.


'Hey Pietro!'

Peter smiled and leaned back against the wall. He knew he was gonna be there for a while, but he didn't mind. 'Hey Wanda! What's up?'

'Not much, really. I moved in with Josh a few weeks ago, mom's not too excited about it.' She giggled, and Peter smiled. He had really missed his sister a lot. 'And he wants to throw me this big birthday party, which I am really not looking forward to.'

'I'll join that club.' He chuckled. 'I am really happy no one here knows when it's my birthday, cause I'm not sure I want to have a birthday party with a whole bunch of crazy mutants, and dad and all that. I'm pretty sure someone will set the house on fire, or blow something up or whatever.'

Wanda chuckled. She was one of the very few people in the world who could somewhat follow "PeterSpeed" as she had come to call it. Most people, at some point, annoyingly yelled out for him to slow down. But instead of asking of him to adapt, she had learned to follow him, just as he had never asked her to change to what other's considered normal, and he already spent most of his days trying to be something he was not.

'Does that mean I can just come hide out at your place on our birthday? And hide away from all the crazy?'

Peter smiled even more, hoping no one could see him get all giddy and happy about it, cause he was sure some of them would never let him live it down. 'Yeah! That'd be great. But you do know that means you'll probably have to face dad, right?' the smile had faded slightly. He had always been the one who had been more interested in the whole dad thing. Wanda never cared as much about it as he had, and might not even want to meet the guy. He still was a terrorist/murderer and all. That tends to be a deal breaker for certain people.

Peter heard Wanda sigh on the other end of the line. 'Well, I guess I'll have to face it at some point. And it'll be worth it, cause I'll get to see my brother again.' And Peter smiled again.

'You need any help getting here?'

'No worries, brother. I'll just drive out. I'll be fine.'

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