Finding out (An alternative Scenario)

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Warning! This one shot is an alternative scenario as to how Erik would find out about Peter being his son. It's a standalone one shot, not tied in with the continuation of the rest of the chapters in this collection.

It was during one of their training sessions that it happened. Raven had been sent out on a mission by the professor, and Erik was leading the training that day. He figured it would be good for the kids to learn about how to fight other mutants as well, as experience showed that sometimes it was necessary. Taken that he was the most experienced he was the newbies' training target for that day. While "sparring" with Storm, he send a piece metal her way. With incredible speed the young mutant created a gush of wind to deflect it, without a second thought. But soon a pained yell filled the room and everyone stopped what they were doing.

'Damn it Ororo! Watch out will you?!' Peter yelled out, aggravated and in pain.

The piece of metal was sticking out his side and his suit was slowly turning red.

Hank rushed over and checked the damage. 'I need to take him to the infirmary.' He picked up Peter and turned to Kurt. 'Please warn the professor of what happened.'

Kurt nodded and disappeared in a puff of blue smoke.

A few hours later Peter was mostly patched up, resting on a bed in the infirmary. He had however lost a lot of blood and Hank preferred for him to stay in the infirmary for a day or 2. The Professor had insisted on calling Peter's mother and she had promised she would come up to see him the next day. The professor was however quite surprised when this new had upset Raven.

She stormed into his office later that evening and rushed towards him. 'Did you call Peter's mom to come see him?!' she demanded.

The professor, quite surprised by the outburst of emotion looked at her with confusion. 'Yes...'

Raven groaned.

'What is the matter Raven?'

She seemed to contemplate her answer before eventually sighing. 'Erik is Peter's father.'

'What?!' the professor asked. 'You can't be serious?!'

'Peter told me so himself. Says his mom and dad dated when they were younger and it didn't end too well. So I am not exactly excited about the fact that will be in the same house tomorrow.'

'The house is rather big Raven, I'm sure we can keep them apart for a few hours. Let's not worry too much about it alright.'

The next day, just before Marya arrived at the Mansion Peter's wound had seemed somewhat infected, and Hank was working on it. Resulting in Marya needing to wait a while to see her son. The professor needed to teach a class, and so he left it to Jean and Scott to keep Marya company while waiting for Hank to patch Peter up. They were sitting in the living room, talking about the school and the X-men.

'So how dangerous is it truly to be here?' Marya asked. 'I mean Peter got hurt during practice...'

Jean smiled sympathetically. 'It is the first time something like that has ever happened. So far our missions have only lead to some bruises and training is quite safe. Peter just got a bit unlucky.'

Marya nodded.

'Well... I mean we have a wanted terrorist walking around here, so there's that.' Scott joked, immediately earning a smack on his arm from his girlfriend.

'Excuse me?'

Jean smiled again. 'It's nothing. The professor wouldn't let anyone live here if he wouldn't trust that person to keep us safe. Don't listen to Scott.'

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