The Road Trip

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WARNING: this one shot takes place before Erik ever finds out about Peter being his son!

'Wait, so let me get this straight. You are being driven home by magneto?!' Scott asked.

The young X-men were hanging out in Peter's room, eating some snacks and just talking.

Peter still had his leg in a cast and was going crazy sitting inside all day. He figured going back home and being around his sisters might help him deal with it a little more, so he decided to go home for a while. The problem was, he couldn't run, and the professor didn't like the idea of him taking the train if he couldn't use his powers to protect himself. So it was decided one of the adults would drive him home, but in the end, only Erik had time on the day Peter planned to leave. And so Peter had a long awkward trip to look forward to, with his dad, who didn't know about their familiar relationship yet.

'He was the only one who had time. The professor can't drive and Raven and Hank are busy.' Peter shrugged, though he didn't feel nearly as indifferent as he came off.

Scott scoffed. 'Well, I'm sure that will be fun. Being stuck with him in a car for like 5 hours. Does the dude ever smile?'

Jubilee rolled her eyes. 'Be nice Scott, he's had a tough time last year.'

'More like a tough life.' Jean said. 'I've heard Raven and Hank talk about it sometime, he's had some horrible luck. I don't blame him for being the way he is.'

'Wouldn't hurt him to loosen up a little though.' Scott offered.

'Right...' Jubilee uttered. 'We have to get back to class, lunch time is almost over.'

Peter sighed, annoyed that he would be alone again. The others were still in high school and had classes, so he spent most of his days alone, not being able to run around.

As the others left the room, Ororo lingered behind. Right before leaving she turned back to Peter. Knowing the rest was out of earshot she asked; 'Will you tell him?'

Peter shook his head. 'I'd rather not tell him if I have no possibility of running away from him. There's always the option it won't go well...'

She smiled halfheartedly, seeing how difficult it was Peter to not dare to tell his own father about their relationship. 'Okay... Well, I'll see you at dinner.'


By 10 the next morning Peter and Erik were in a car, driving towards Washington DC. A while ago, a 12 year old mutant had come to the mansion with the ability to make people and objects look different than they are to most. Jean and The professor could see through it, probably because of their telepathy, but none of the other mutants could. And so Erik was transformed to look and sound like Hank, and given his driver's license, so that they wouldn't be bothered by the cops.

They had been driving for about half an hour and the silence was killing Peter. He sighed, he had known this trip was going to be somewhat awkward, but he hadn't expected that his father had such little interest in talking to him. Peter leaned over and turned on the radio, allowing a rock song to fill the car. Before he had even leaned back against his chair again, Erik had turned off the radio. Flipping the switch without even reaching for it.

'Come on man! It's way too quiet in here!'

Erik turned his head ever so slightly to look at Peter with deadpan eyes before looking back at the road. 'There will come a time in everyone's life when they learn to appreciate the silence.'

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