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Peter rarely ever got sick, he claimed he could outrun germs. According to Hank almost everything in his body moved fast, including his immune system, meaning that any germs he received would likely be dead before he ever noticed he had caught any. The exceptions were of course for the stronger germs, which made people really sick. And for Peter, those times were even worse than for most, because he wasn't used to being sick at all.

It was on a quiet afternoon in February when Peter was running through the danger room. It was a weekly thing where Hank would sit behind some big control panel and measure Peter's speed. Over the past few weeks Peter had steadily begun to run faster and faster. So the first sign of trouble was when Hank realized Peter was running slower than he had been about a month ago. Sure, that was still incredibly fast, but something didn't seem right. The second sign was Peter stopping before the set time of 10 minutes, covered in sweat. He was never exhausted after running and never broke a sweat either. The third, and most obvious sign, was when Peter collapsed onto the floor coughing. Hank quickly jumped up from his panel and ran towards him. By the time he had reached Peter's side, he was already unconscious. Hank sighed.

'This can't be good.' He picked Peter up and brought him to the Medical room they had set up a while ago. With so many mutants with dangerous powers, and the X-men going on missions more often, having an infirmary seemed like a good idea. It took Hank only about 15 minutes to figure out what was wrong with Peter; a very nasty flu. A normal human would probably be stuck with it for about 3 weeks. For Peter it would likely mean only one week. But it would a week of hell for him. He sighed again and walked through the house looking for Erik.

The professor had at some point, somehow (even though no one knows how he actually did it) convinced Erik to start teaching German and French to the students. Although Erik wasn't particularly fond of large groups of people and quite impatient as well. But he felt it was probably a good idea for the students to know some languages, and so he had given in. Classes had just ended and Hank found Erik sitting behind the desk in one of the classrooms.

'Erik.' He said as he walked into the room.

'Hank, what can I do for you?' Erik answered, without looking up from the stack of papers in his hand.

Hank took a deep breath, knowing that the conversation was not likely to be a pleasant one. 'Peter's sick.'

The older mutant quickly looked up from his papers and at Hank's face, trying to find any sign of it being a joke. He should of course have known better. Hank was never one for practical jokes, and definitely not about other people's health. 'How bad is it?' Erik asked as he stood up and walked towards Hank.

'It's a pretty nasty flu. He fell unconscious after running for only 2 minutes. It's probably gonna be a week before he's back on his feet, and he should probably stay in bed most of the time. His heart rate's up, even for his standards and he's got a fever of 105.'

Erik sighed, sure the flu was not lethal, but his son was sick, and that was enough to get him worried.

'Does he need to stay in the infirmary? Or can he go up to his own room?'

'He doesn't need to stay in the infirmary. It's not that bad.'

And so it was that Peter woke up in his own bed about 3 hours later. His head pounded and his eyes couldn't adjust to the bright light in the room. He felt like he was freezing, and yet was warm at the same time. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt this awful.

'Peter... you're awake...'

Peter groaned, hiding his head below his blanket. 'What the hell is wrong with me?'

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