Meet the Brother

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'Come on Josh. We've been together for nearly 6 months. You've met my little sister, and my mom, I've told you about my powers. Why don't you want to meet my brother?' Wanda looked at her boyfriend with an annoyed look. For months now she has been trying to get her boyfriend to meet Peter (you know, her twin brother, her second half no big deal), but he keeps turning her down.

'Because!' Josh exclaimed. 'Meeting your brother means going to the school with all the mutants!' Josh could see a red, angry spark surface in Wanda's eyes. 'Not that there is anything wrong with mutants. I am just not sure what to expect of a school full of kids with powers who can't control them. I'm a little scared.'

Wanda sighed and rolled her eyes. 'Sure, the tough quarterback is scared of 10-yearolds.'

Josh hugged her. 'Alright... I'll go. But don't blame me for being nervous around people with the ability to like create fire or other powers.'

Wanda giggled slightly, remembering all the damage she and Peter created as little kids. 'You are forgiven for that.

About a week later on a sunny Saturday afternoon a car pulled up in the driveway of the X-mansion. Wanda and Josh got out and looked around. Peter had told his sister he would be waiting for them when they arrived, but he was nowhere around.

'Hey.' A dark skinned young girl stated as she walked up to him. 'It was Wanda, right? Peter's sister?'

Wanda smiled recognizing Storm. 'Yeah, have you seen him around, he promised he would meet us...'

'Have you ever been able to see him when he's running?' Storm joked.

'He got impatient waiting?'

'Most likely.'

Wanda nodded and walked over to Josh. 'He's running around somewhere, so yeah, I guess we'll have to wait for him to show up.'

Josh nodded, looking around slightly nervous, watching all the kids practicing their powers on the lawn. He jumped when suddenly a silver haired guy stopped right in front of him, appearing out of nowhere.

'Wanda!' The guy called.

'Pietro!' Wanda replied with a wide smile before hugging him.

Peter lifted his sister up and spun around for a bit, before putting her down again.

'God I've missed you Wanda.' He smiled.

'I've missed you too, Pete.'

The two siblings let go of each other, and turned towards Josh. 'Peter, this my boyfriend, Josh. And josh, this Peter, my brother.'

Peter extended his hand, which Josh took. 'Nice to meet you Josh. And welcome to the X-mansion.'

'Is that what you call it?' Josh joked.

Peter shrugged. 'I think an 8 year old came up with it, and it just stuck. I'm not so sure how the professor feels about it, honestly.'

Out of nowhere a big chunk of Ice landed right next to them and small voice from a bit away called out "Sorry".

'I think we better go inside.' Peter suggested. 'The newest students are practicing, and this might get dangerous.'

Wanda could see Josh visibly relax when they were inside, although he was soon mesmerized by the interior of the building. 'Wow.' He uttered.

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