He left again

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It was a normal Saturday morning when Peter was sitting on a stool in the kitchen, shuffling cereal into his mouth at around 6 am when the news report came in.

"For several weeks now havoc has been wreaked in multiple United States cities, leaving disasters of enormous sizes. Buildings have collapsed, water supplies ruined with poison, tornados turning pavement to dust. Already in the early cases of the disasters people reported having seen people with unnatural abilities willingly doing the damage. Now after the 10th attack in 2 weeks the president has released the statement that official reports confirm that the criminals are mutants. Officials are investigating the cases, and certain individuals have been put under surveillance, although there are no serious suspects yet, there are rumors of notorious terrorist Erik Lehnsher, better known as Magneto, is behind the attacks."

Peter sighed and turned off the TV. 'Of course he is your main subject' he muttered under his breath as he shook his head. Peter knew very well that his dad had done horrible things, but it annoyed him how easily people blamed even when there was no evidence for it at all. He refilled his cereal bowl and started shuffling the cereal into his mouth again.

'What is up with you?' Orroro muttered, stifling a yawn, as she walked in.

Peter turned around and saw Orroro standing in her Pajamas, dark bags under her eyes.

'Attacks on villages all over the country, they blame mutants, so guess who is suspect number one?'

Orroro rolled her eyes. 'Magneto.' She stated dryly. 'Because there is no one else in the world who might want to hurt people.' She sighed. 'I guess that from all the known mutants your dad is most attack prone, but it's still not fair...'

Peter jumped up from his chair 'I just want to forget about it, Storm.' He ditched his bowl in the sink. 'I'm gonna go for a run.'

Only a split second after finishing his sentence he zipped out of the room and disappeared.

Later that afternoon Erik marched into the Professor's office.

'Did you know about these attacks, Charles?'

Charles looked up from his paperwork and looked at his friend. 'No, my friend, I'm afraid not. They did their best to hide the attacks from the national news, but the army has apparently known for some time. The news came out yesterday when a local news story was being shot as an attack started.'

Erik sat down with a sigh. 'Is there anything we can do?'

'I am afraid not my friend, all we can do is lay low and hope that the attacks will stop.'

Erik stood up again. 'I think we both know I am not a patient man, Charles...'

Before Charles could say anything else, Erik walked out of the room.

2 Days later another attack took place, and images were shown on national news. Everyone saw how a man created tornados from his hands and tore a town to shreds, they watched as a woman spit acid at objects, completely evaporating them. The news shook everyone in the mansion, but just made Peter angrier. He went up to his father's room, hoping talking to him would help, but when he got there, the room was empty. And although many of his belongings were still there, it was obvious to Peter that he wasn't just taking a stroll around the grounds. No, his dad left... again.

Peter sighed and expected anger to fill him, but mostly he just felt disappointed, and so instead of running around the grounds for an hour or two, he lay down on his bed and stared up the ceiling, blaming himself for his dad leaving.

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