4 years later

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2nd pov

It had been 4 years since I left Amaimon and removed my mate mark.
It had been 3 years since I completed my exorcist training and joined the fight against demons on earth, just like I had always wanted.
It had been almost 3 years since my daughter Nikki's birth.
It had been 1 year since Yukio had married Shiemi

You, Nikki, and Rin were walking in the park after ice cream. You guys didn't live at cross academy anymore, but had found a place with a good neighborhood to raise Nikki. Yes, you read that right. You and Rin were Nikki's parents. How that happened was, a little while after your breakup with Amaimon, Rin and You got close. You guys had started dating for a while, but realized you all didn't love each other. Not like a couple at least, it was more like best friends. However, it had been too late. You was already pregnant with His child. Rin and You agreed to raise her like a family. Rin had an apartment in the next town over, so he visited a lot and Nikki could spend the night with him when she wanted. She was a hyper 3 year old, she could already walk around, and talk very well. She had Rins dark hair, and you (e/c) eyes. She looked like Rin in your opinion, but everyone said she favored you. Yukio was a great uncle and came over whenever he had the chance. He and your other friends thought it was weird how you and Rin had a kid together, but had no feelings like that for each other. But no matter what they loved Nikki and would always stop by and drop off some demon book or maybe if they were being sensible, a children's book. Like I said though, You guys were walking in the park on a very pretty day, and Nikki wanted to play on the playground so you and Rin sat down on a bench as she sat in the sand box playing with another kid.
"She is growing up so fast." Rin says as he watches her play, a smile on his face.
"Yeah, she really is. " You say grinning at Nikki. Rin clears his throat and you both look at each other.
"So.... I just wanted you to know that I'm not going to be around for the next month or two. There's a demon in Mexico that I have been assigned to take down. " he tells you. You shrugg.
" okay, I don't have any out of country missions coming up, I should be able to handle watching her for that long." You tell him to let him know it'll be okay. Rin grins at you for a moment before blushing heavily.
"Also.... I hope you don't mind, (y/n), but... I have a girlfriend." Rin says bashfully. You grin like a maniac and give him a punch to the shoulder.
" oh my gosh Rin! What's her name? Is she beautiful? Is she smart? Oh! Is she an exorcist?" You ask millions of questions about the new girl. You were happy Rin was finding himself some love, he could really use some.
" I don't wanna talk about her too much, we only just started dating, but I thought you should know, for when Nikki meets her. I didn't want you to worry about anyone weird coming into Her life." Rin says explaining why he won't talk. You sigh in content, at least if something happens to you, Nikki could be raised by her dad and this new girl.
"That's great Rin, I'm sure Nikki will love her." You say with a smile. Rin smiles sheepishly, and readjusts his sword. Yes you both still carried your swords even when you were out in public with your kid. It was funny to watch everyone's concerned faces sometimes. You turned back to the sand box to watch Nikki, and she wasn't there. You jumped up, and so did Rin when he noticed as well. You both take off and start running around trying to find her. Rin takes the play ground, You take to the woods which was nearby. It almost seems as if the trees had grown thicker in the last few minutes. You smelt the air, and smelt a demonic scent. Instantly you drew your sword and you turn around hoping to spot her. Suddenly, to your left, you see a flash of her hair. You sprint to that area and stopped dead in your tracks.
"Your a pretty little human aren't you?" Amaimon says as Nikki grabs his hair. Amaimon was on his knee, letting Nikki mess around and be a child. he almost seems happy. You rush into the clearing he and Nikki were in. Amaimon looks up at first with a Blank expression, but then with a shocked one. Yes, Amaimon looked shocked. Maybe it was not seeing you for years that made meeting like this so shocking
"Amaimon, what are you doing with my daughter?" You ask him with a calm and collected tone. Nikki smiles and walks over to you and almost hugs your leg, but stops when she gets to warm for comfort, being yours and rins daughter you both assumed she was partly demon and would have some power of her own.
"(Y/n)." Is all Amaimon says to you. He stares at you, and then his gaze slides to Nikki.
" you have a daughter." He says with his bored tone, although, your painfully aware that he is hurt.
" yes, I do. What gave it away? That fact I called her my daughter, or how much she looks like me." You say as you put your sword away and pick up Nikki. Amaimon stared at you both, a almost sad look in his eyes. Like he wished he was the one you had chosen to love and start a family with, instead of whoever the father was. instead, he was getting a look from you like he was about to attack the both of you at any moment.
" who is the father?" He asks, and you shift Nikki onto your hip.
" Rin." You say flatly.
"Oh. Brother has had a child with you? Does that mean you now love him instead?" He asks you. You look him deeply into his eyes and shake your head no.
" We had Nikki when we dated a couple years ago, we didn't mean to really, it happened. But now we both can't imagine livening with out her." You explain to him, yet you don't understand why. You look at him, you take in his features, the ones you so painfully remember. The facial expressions you understand so well when others don't. The way his face looked when he kissed you when you woke up in his arms. The way he would hold you when you were together.
You still love him. Maybe you never really have moved on. You had found yourself sometimes wondering what Nikki would look like if she was Amaimons instead of Rin's.
" so you don't love me anymore?" He asks with a straight face. At his words, tears fall from your face.
" of course I still love you Amaimon. It was never about me not loving you. You just wanted me to be the queen of earth, nothing else. I wanted this," I say as I push some hair out of Nikki's face and smile at her grinning face.
" (y/n), I never wanted you to be queen of earth. I just wanted you to be queen of my heart." Amaimon steps closer to you, and You suck in your breath.
" you made it seem like I couldn't live my life how I wanted. I wanted to hunt down the demons like an exorcist. " You say and watch as Amaimon steps closer again.
"Yes, I suppose it did. Maybe if I had let you do what you want, then maybe that would be my child you are holding." Amaimon says as he steps closer again, you gulp as you watch his eyes flick to your lips, asking if it's okay almost.
" Amaimon- I can't. I won't give up my job as an exorcist for you, it's all I ever wanted when I was younger. If being with you means I have to be queen of earth and help demons take over, then I cant." You try to remind him why you left. He leans closer to you, and your lips are almost touching.
" then, don't be queen of earth. Just be the queen of my heart." He says, and as he does that, both of yours lips crash together. Amaimon wraps one arm around you waist,and the other helps support Nikki, who is still in yours arms.
" I love you, (y/n). Just like a human." He whispers when you both pulled away. He kisses Nikki's head softly, and you all stayed together in a hug for a while.
" I have always loved you Amaimon." You say.
And in that moment Rin comes crashing into the clearing looking frantic, and then confused when he sees you all.
"Should I even ask?" He says as he takes Nikki out of your arms, leaving Amaimon holding only you. You shake your head no, and sigh. You were finally completely happy.

********** 10 years later**********

"Nikki! Grab your brothers and get down here! Uncle mephisto is here!" You yell as you whip your hands on a rag before you open the front door to let in your brother-in law. He steps through and smiles.
"Ah! The lovely (y/n), so wonderful to see you. Where is my brother at the moment?" Mephisto asks you, you point off to the open back door, that led out into a thick forest. Amaimon spent a lot of his day time out there, well, really he does some demon thing to where he actually just uses the door as a portal type thing. Nikki came down the stairs with Alex and Dlyan. Alex and Dylan were 9 years old and had green hair and Amaimons eyes , they both looked like a carbon copy of their father. Mephisto smiled and turned into a dog and let your kids play with him. You went to the back door and waited for a moment before Amaimon appeared. He grabbed you and pulled you in for a kiss, it was long and full of love.
"Hello, my queen." He says as he puts and arm around you. You smile and you both walk into the living room where your kids are playing.
"Any demons causing a mess?" You ask with a smile. He chuckles slightly.
" if there was I wouldn't tell you." He says kissing your cheek. You both agreed not to tell each other about your jobs, unless something major is going on. It worked best that way
" daddy!" Dylan yells as he quits chasing dog Mephisto. Amaimon picks him up and hugs him tightly.
" why don't you let daddy rest for a moment, he is probably tired." You say to Dylan as Amaimon sets him down, he rejoins the fun.
" looks like brother needs to talk with me." Amaimon says boredly. You sigh as You take his hand and pull him out of the room. He follows you into the hall way between the stairs and the kitchen and looks at you with an almost worried expression.
"Amaimon...." You say with a huge smile on your face. Amaimon kisses you quickly and looks you in the eyes again.
" I'm pregnant again." You tell him with a huge smile on your face. He grins at you, yes Amaimon king of earth and the bored expression smiled at you. He pulled you in for a long kiss and only broke in when You needed to breath.
" that's amazing my queen, I can't wait for another prince or princess." He says as he holds you close.
And You hold him back


Guys I'm crying. I feel like this was a great ending, I'll never regret this ending. I hope you all love it as much as I do. Also, thank you everyone who comments on this story and told me to update, your the reason I eventually figured this all out.
Also, to that one person who couldn't figure out whether or not my chapter names were sarcastic or not, of course they were. I'm a buddle of sarcasm.
I love you all, and thanks for the wonderful time you spend on my sucky story.
~ haha4124

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