Oh look,

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2nd pov

He got to a feild and sat you down, well, more like dropped You. You laid on your back as he leaned down and basically straddled you. You blushed slightly, since this wasn't normal. He grabs your sword and starts opening and closing it. Your flames blazing, not blazing, blazing. Over and over. He got bored and dropped your sword as well.
"Your a lot like little brother. Your flames are tied to the sword." He said boredly. He stares at you for awhile.
"Does little brother care about you?" He asks you with no emotion. You look him in the eye.
"No. Because we are class mates we hang out, but I mean no-" You tried to say hopping he would just kill you and not try bringing rin back along. But of course, rin ruined that.
" (y/n)-chan! Stay tight I'll get you out on a moment!" Okumara yells from behind you. You see amaimon smirk slightly SLIGHTLY. He gets off of you, but lifts you up and puts you on his shoulder.
"Little brother. Why didn't big brother tell me about her?" He asks rin. You can't bealive this guy! First he kidnapped you, but now he is going to fight rin, with you on his shoulder!!! It gets worse, because he picks up your sword.
"(Y/n) stay calm!" Rin yells, forgetting You can't because of this stupid Baka whom has your sword!! Amaimon jumps away quickly and sets you down on a tree. Then once he is gone you realize the tree is - oh my lord Jesus it's really high up oh god. You would try to jump, but at this height.... No. You watch as amaimon and rin start to battle. You notice amaimon isn't useing your sword, just holding onto it. Probably so Your defenseless. You slightly are annoyed that you even had to get bound to a sword.
You see rin useing his full demon power, and also your classmates watching. You want to get down there and explain for them but the tree...
Suddenly though, the tree shrinks back to regular height, and You can in fact jump down now. You do so and take off running. But pause when You see the scene Infront of you. Rin is in some kind of blue shell, and being pulled away. While amaimon is nowhere to be seen. You see that they are escorting your director as well. You back away slowly hopping they won't go looking for You. On one hand You want to go see your friends and explain, on another You don't want to be captured. You take off running as far as You can. You soon run out of breath and fall against a tree. Or, what you thought was a tree.
"Oh, it's you." Says a bored tone. You spin around and see amaimon standing Infront of you. He looks beaten up pretty bad. You kinda feel bad for him... Even though he kidnapped an beat up your friends. You know you shouldn't but you feel bad for him. You touch his check where a large cut was.
"What are you doing here?" He says equally as boredly as before. He doesn't remove your hand however, he actually seems to almost lean on your hand.
"They got... Your brothers." You say trying to say it right. He looks at me, not surprised or anything. He just looks at you.
"To bad. Brothers will have to fight themselves out. I can't." He said slumping against the tree behind him.
"Here, we should try to finds place to sleep. " you have decided to stay around him till he has healed. He nods and waves his hands and a couple of trees bend to make a type of shelter. Then, he passed out as fell onto you. After dragging him off into it, You curl up and sleep as well.

Marked       An Amaimon x reader story.            Blue exorcist WA 2017Where stories live. Discover now