Chapter 21- I Don't Like Making Titles Okay?

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MITM Chapter 21

AN: AHHHHHH I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! I swear, y'all are reading this like there's no tomorrow! I can't believe were already at 82K+!! Jeez! Thank you and I love you all! Enjoy this chapter. :)


I hugged Lexi tight, afraid to let her go. As I thought over what just happened, the tears streaked down my face, soaking into her shirt. I felt my shirt become wet with her tears, and a small whimper escaped her lips.
"Lexi, Ian should be waking up any minute now." I informed her. She pulled out of our hug, a quizzical look on her face.
"How do you know that?" She asked. I grinned weakly, and didn't answer.
"3...2...1..." I counted down. Ian's eyes suddenly snapped open and Lexi gasped. She ran over to him and hugged him. I saw tears rolling down his face too. That's a new sight. I laid back and looked up at the ceiling, listening to the murmurs of talking to my right.
"Well, we can all thank Jason's mom." Ian said with a small chuckle. I didn't know how to take it, seeing as it sounded a bit like a yo mama joke. Ah well! I looked over at him and smiled.
"Yeah. I guess we can."
"What? I'm lost..." Lexi scratched her head in confusion.
"Care to explain Jason? It's your mom." Ian asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I don't exactly know how to take that, but alright." I heard Ian chuckle and I smiled again. "So I'm pretty sure we had the same dream thing... So we woke up in a big white room with a big bright light at one end and an old oak door at the other-" I was cut off by Ian.
"That wasn't an oak door! It was a big rock-like door with rock carvings..." He interjected confusedly.
"That's weird... It was definitely oak wood...."
"Well it was exactly the same up to there. When you opened the door, was it like an Ender Portal kind of thing?" He asked. I shook my head.
"It looked like a Nether Portal. Sparks flying off and everything." His eyebrows knit together in wonder.
"Well.... OH! WAIT! Do you have any significance to oak wood from your childhood?" He asked. I tapped my chin as I thought, then nodded slowly.
"Yeah. There used to be this big oak tree in my front yard and I'd climb it everyday. It was where I'd go for anything. It was cut down and... Part if it was.... Made.... Into a.... Door..." I trailed off, jaw dropped open. Ian grinned.
"I CRACKED THE CODE!!" He yelled, raising his fist into the air in victory. I chuckled, wincing as my stomach convulsed and shifted my side.
"Guys I can't talk anymore. This hurts." I said, making a face. Ian nodded.
"Me either. Sorry Lex... Wait, what Ike is it first?" He asked, eyes scanning the room for a clock. Lexi clicked her phone on, the light illuminating her face.
"Uh... 11:56." She answered with a smile.
"Whoa! You waited that long?!" Ian and I asked in unison.
"JINX! YOU OWE ME A SODA!" Ian yelled before I could get it out. I stuck my tongue out at him, and he returned the gesture. I let out a light chuckle, making sure I didn't flew my stomach too much. Then, I cuddled into the uncomfortable bed as best I could and let the darkness of sleep overwhelm me.


They both soon drifted off to sleep. I couldn't blame them. I'm sure it's bit exactly a good rest while in a coma, even short term. I sat down and whipped out my phone, texting Jordan.
Lexi: They woke up! I talked to them and they're asleep now, but they're okay. But boy do I have a story for you guys!
His reply came soon after.
Jordan: Awesome! You better come on home. You can tell us the story then get some sleep. We're all awake. :)
I smiled and put my phone in my pocket, walking quietly through the almost silent halls. The only sounds were the steady beeps of heart rate monitors. It was strange to think that with every steady beeping, was a life. With every single beep, was a heartbeat. A signal that a certain body still held its soul. I kept walking, the beeps calming me down.
I walked out into the frigid night air, and instantly cussed myself out for not grabbing my jacket. I was in a short sleeve shirt with "LexiTheGreat" scrawled across the top, and my Minecraft character holding a diamond sword in the air. Piles of dead mobs lay around my character. (AN: if anyone forgot, LexiTheGreat is her YouTube and Minecraft name. Even I had to go searching for it!)
I rubbed my arms to attempt to keep myself from freezing as I walked to my car. I slipped inside quickly and put the key in the ignition, the engine rumbling to life. I smiled. Good to know this old thing still works. I pulled out of the parking lot and turning onto the open road. No one seemed to be out. I couldn't blame them. I wouldn't be out either if it wasn't for this. I drove for a while, humming some songs. I ended out singing "How To Save A Life" by The Fray.
"Step one, you say we need to talk. He walks, you say sit down it's just a talk. He smiles politely back at you, you stare politely right on through. Some sort of window to your right. He goes left, and you stay right! Between the lines, of fear and blame, you begin to wonder why you came! Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend. Somewhere along in the bitterness and I would have stayed up, with you all night. If I had known, how to save a life." I began. I sang through the song, then sang The A Team by Ed Sheeran. (These two songs are just ahh!! <3)
By the time I finished my one-man jam session, I had pulled into Jordan's driveway. I was smiling and humming as I unbuckled my seatbelt, opening my car door and letting the cold air nip at my nose. My teeth chattered as I locked my door and rushed to Jordan and I's door. I stopped and thought about that again: Jordan and I's house. Jordan and I's door. Everything inside this house was OURS. Not his. My smile only grew wider and I opened the door, shutting it quickly behind me. I took off my jacket and threw it in the closet, walking into the now cleaned up living room.
Everyone looked up at me expectantly. Jordan grinned from the back of the group. He mouthed 'I didn't tell them. Go ahead!' I rolled my eyes and he laughed.
"So... They are uh... Erm..." I began, trying to sound sad and scared to say anything as I looked down and rubbed my arm. Everyone leaned in as Jordan held in his laughter.
"Well well?! What?" Quentin urged.
"Yeah! Tell us! We deserve to know!" Sky and Ty yelled.
"They woke up." I finished, looking up with a devilish grin. (You might know this as JacksFilms' smile >:} ) They all yelled and cheered until finally Sky, Ty, Jordan and I shut them up. "There's a story bros!" I yelled. They shut up then.
"Go on!" Preston said, nudging me. Aster touched his arm.
"Chillax Pres! It's alright. They're okay." She gave him a smile and he smiled back, obviously melted by her smile. He sat back and out her in his lap, wrapping his arms around her. Everyone "awwww"ed and Preston rolled his eyes.
"Shut up..." He muttered. I grinned and told them what Ian and Jason told me about when they were unconscious. There were 'ooohhh's and 'ahh's throughout the story. By the time I finished everyone stared in awe.
"Wow... That's so cool!" Adam said excitedly.
"Yeah! Can we go see them tomorrow?" Ty asked like a child.
"Only if you eat your vegetables, Ty." Tyler reasoned like a parent with a grin. Ty groaned.
"But I don't waannaaaaaa!!!" Ty whined. I rolled my eyes, and went to go sit with the girls as everyone began talking.
"Hey guys, after we visit Jason and Ian, do you want to go shopping? I heard they're having a sale at the mall. Every store!" Sarah said excitedly. I rolled my eyes.
"Why not? I don't want to stay there the whole day again. It was kind stressful." I said with a laugh. Everyone laughed and nodded.
"Alright, so don't forget your money tomorrow!" Aster reminded with a grin.

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