Chapter 5- Keep Fighting My Prince

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I dropped to my knees in shock. What was happening?! Why was my best friend and my boyfriend in serious condition?! I felt the tears stream down my face once more. They had just stopped. I collapsed the rest of the way to the floor into a sobbing heap.

"Lexi? Lexi!" Ty said and put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him, shaking. His eyes were full of sadness and sympathy.

"I'm sorry... I'm a mess right now....." I whispered and sat up against the wall, grabbing my knees close to my chest.

Ty shook his head. "It's okay. We understand. No need to say you're sorry." He said softly and sat next to me. I looked at him and smiled.

"Th...thanks Ty...." I said. Adam, Jerome, Ian, and Quentin all walked over and I saw the tears streaming down their faces too. "Guys I'm sorry..... I just don't know what to do right now...." I told them shakily. They all nodded.

"'s okay Lexi.....we u....u.... Understand...." Jerome stuttered.

"Yeah.... It's okay...." Adam said. Ian and Quentin nodded. I got up and hugged them all, then sat down and hugged Ty.

"You guys are awesome.... I can't believe you have actually put up with this stuff with me....." I said and smiled slightly.

Ian chuckled. "We do it because you deserve it.... You're a nice girl and you're pretty cool!"

"Thank you Ian." I smiled.

"There's a smile!" Jerome said. I looked down and felt my cheeks get hot. Luckily, my long hair covered my cheeks. Once I knew my cheeks weren't red anymore, I looked back up at all of the guys, talking to each other about random things. I looked past them and saw a nurse approaching us.

"Guys someone's coming over here." I told them and they turned around.

"Are you all here for Mr. Maron and Mr. Hughes?" She asked us, looking at her clipboard then at us.

"Y...yeah? Why is something wrong?!" Jerome asked urgently.

"No no no no! They are both still in critical condition and we aren't sure how long they'll have to stay. The severity of their wounds have gone down, but again, we aren't sure when or if they will get out and go home. We're trying all we can.... We can have 2 people at a time go back and see them, but they aren't awake yet." She said, looking at us all. Immediately, Jerome and I stepped forwards as the others stepped back. Okay the first two people were settled...

We followed the nurse back and into Mitch's room first. He looked so.... Fragile..... The only thing that told me he was alive was the slight rising and falling of his chest, and his heart monitor, beeping steadily. A few tears fell onto the bed sheets. I closed my eyes tight then finally opened them. I walked up to his head and kissed his forehead.

"I love you.... Keep fighting my prince...." I whispered to him, and stepped out of the room.


I watched as Lexi whispered to Mitch, then left. I slowly walked up to him and looked at him. I couldn't believe this was happening to my best friend. I felt like just balling my eyes out, but I knew I couldn't. I had to stay strong for EVERYONE. If I don't stay strong, who will? With that, I whispered to him, hoping he can hear me.

"Mitch... I really hope you hear this.... I am so sorry this has happened to you. I promise I won't let you die. I can't. You're my best friend, and were going to stay that way. Stay strong Biggums...." I whispered, then left the room slowly.

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