Chapter 23- Oh Look An Update (not actually about the characters updating)

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An: Guys, y'all are acting like MITM is done already! It's not done yet! We're almost finished, though. Anyway, enjoy the chapter! Sorry for such a short and uneventful chapter by the way! I'm trying to figure out the ending without giving away the next book. More info at the end!


I looked outside and sighed, knowing LA isn't used to snow. They wouldn't have the equipment to clear the roads. The snow only started to get heavier as we drove, and soon we were completely stopped. Everyone groaned, and Jordan banged his head on the steering wheel.

"It's not supposed to be snowing..." He mumbled.

I laughed. "You actually listened to the weather? That's cute!"

"But you have to remember, this means that Ian and Jason are stuck at the hospital." Connor reminded. I closed my mouth with a click and sat back into my seat. I zoned out and listened to the whirs of the wind and watched the white ice crystals fall to the ground. Much to my dismay, they hit the ground and sat. I groaned and grabbed my hood, yanking it over my face.

"I'm gonna take a nap." I mumbled into the cloth. Jordan muttered an okay, and Connor just grunted. Jeez, that kid can be really mature then other times he's like five. I shut my eyes and soon I was whisked away into a restless sleep.

^.^ DREAM LAND ^.^

I sat in a gaming chair, playing Call of Duty with Mitch next to me. I heard the rest of Team Crafted shouting behind us, but we were too focused on our game to mind. I got one last kill in and the game ended, me winning. Mitch yelled angrily and slammed the controller down on the ground. I laughed and got up from the terribly comfortable chair and brought myself back to the real world. I looked around and suddenly, everything sounded really distant.

"Jerome? Jerome!" Mitch's voice called. I turned to him, but he wasn't there. His voice called me once more, but was cut off by static. It kept getting farther and farther away. I turned back to the others, and they were gone too. I felt be chest get tight with fear, and I started to hyperventilate. That's when I saw the home phone, laying on the table. I walked up to it and picked it up, placing it to my ear.

"Jerome! You have to get out of there!" Jason yelled trough the phone. Ian and Mitch were talking in the background, but I couldn't make out their words.

"Okay..." I said breathlessly, and suddenly a sharp pain struck me in the middle of my back, a hand tightly gripping my shoulder. I yelled out in pain, but it came out as a tiny squeak. Jason's yells came through the phone as I dropped it. I reached my hand around to my back, feeling the sleek handle of a knife. I turned around as my vision went blurry, and instead of one person sitting there, I saw three. Brett stood grinning evilly, hand covered in blood- MY blood- and Jake stood behind him. Jakes hand was on Brett's shoulder, and he wore the same expression as Brett did. I looked at the red haired girl behind them, but I couldn't make out her face. All she did was hold up a photo of Team Crafted, and slowly ripped Mitch out. Then me, and so on and so forth.

That was all I heard before I fell down and my vision went black.


I bolted upright in my seat, gasping for air and shaking uncontrollably. I curled into a ball and stared off into space, the fear crushing me. It was... It was just a dream... Right? It wasn't real... Yet I couldn't shake off the immense pressure I suddenly felt on my chest. I sat lower in my seat and put my feet up on Connor's seat, raising my shaking hands to cover my head. I took deep breaths to soothe myself.

Why was this taking such a toll on me? I have nightmares all the time. I never have issues. I was finally snapped out of my trance by Jordan.

"JEROME!" He yelled, shaking my leg roughly. He had stopped the car at a nearby gas station, not getting gas, but just in a parking space.

Minecraft In The Morning- (A TEAM CRAFTED & CAPTAIN SPARKLEZ FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now