Chapter 15- Livestreams and Drama Going Round!

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We played a few rounds of hide n seek then some hunger games. After that our viewers started getting tired of Minecraft and demanded some real life stuff. I laughed.

"Guys, the stars are all antsy for some real life stuff. What do ya say?" I asked. The all nodded.

"Alright! What should we do?" Mitch asked, clapping and sitting back in his chair. I looked to my comments rolling in and caught that most of them said Truth or dare.

"You guys getting the same thing I am?" I asked.

"Is it truth or dare?" Ian asked.


"Then yup."

"So truth or dare? Truths and dares chosen by viewers?" I wagered. They nodded and we sat in a circle, our laptops in front of us. We sat in one of the large spaces, and turned the cameras shown on the streams to the ones we had facing us.

"I'm oldest, I go first!" Adam yelled.

"No I'm youngest I go first!" I yelled.

"I'm neither I go first!" Emma said.

"No Im awesome I go first!" Aster said. We all went silent.

"Can't argue with that can you?" Preston grinned. We shook our heads.

"Okay! Truth or dare?" Adam asked. She thought a moment.

"Truth!" She declared.

"Alright..... The one I'm seeing most is are you and Preston dating?"

Aster bit her lip before nodding and smiling. "Yes we are." Preston leaned over and kissed her cheek as she blushed. The chat was filled with 'awwwww's but also the occasional hate on Aster. Preston obviously saw them as he tensed up, jaw tight.

"Guys, it's my choice who I date. I'm a human being. You CAN'T control who I am with. I LOVE Aster. There's no changing that. Thank you everyone who's supporting it." He ranted before smiling. The hate was magically gone.

"Adam, you go." Jerome said.

"Dare!" He yelled.

"Alright." Jerome grinned evilly. "Put butter in your hair!"

"CRAP!" Adam's hands flew up to his hair. "YOU GUYS ARE SO MEAN TO ME!" Jerome threw the stick of butter across the circle and to Adam, who pouted.

"Told you it would happen!" Jerome pointed out.

"It's true." Ty butt in. Adam glared at Ty, and suddenly his hand shot up to both his own head and Ty's head. He slid it down Ty's hair until it was covered in butter. Ty sat, shocked. Adam smirked and rubbed some in his own. Ty tackled Adam and grabbed the remaining butter from Adam, smushing it on Adam's face. I yanked Ty off of him and he pouted.

"He put butter in my hair!" Ty protested.

"And his own!"

"Ugh. Fine. I'm sorry Adam...."

"Apology not accepted." Adam faced away from Ty and crossed his arms.

"Lets move on guys! Ty your turn!"

"Okay. Truth!" He declared.

"Alright. Do you like anyone at the moment?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

He shook his head. "At the moment I can honestly say no to that. No, I don't like anyone." I nodded and noticed it was my turn.

"Okay, Jason. Truth or dare?" Adam asked. "I'm going with the first one that pops up."


"Okay.... Ohhh crap...." He whispered, looking at the screen. "Uh... Kiss Lexi..." I felt my cheeks get hit and both Jordan and Mitch's eyes turned basically murderous. I bit my lip slightly and looked down. What the heck am I supposed to do? I mean, I have a perfect chance to kiss the girl I love. But her boyfriend is here too.... With his arms around her possessively. What. Do. I. Do.

"It's fine." Lexi whispered to me. "Go ahead." I looked up at her, trying to avoid Mitch's harsh glare. I saw the comments on the stream go crazy. I caught a few.

'Ohhhh snap. He went there.'

'Someones about to die...'

'Mitch looks like he's about to murder you Jason.'

'Just do it already!'

I sighed, then leaned in and connected my lips with hers.


Jason looked over to his comments and scanned through them before sighing. Wait, did he not want to kiss me? Lexi! Stop! You're with Mitch, it doesn't matter! Suddenly, he turned and connected his lips with mine. It's felt like fireworks were erupting around us. Much more than with Mitch. I held in my gasp of shock, and we parted. Mitch quickly grabbed my and pulled me back to his chest. I put a hand on his chest and looked him in the eye.

"It was a dare. Don't hurt him." I whispered. He sighed lightly and relaxed, but only slightly. I looked at Jason. His face was red as an apple. I looked down again, just as he looked up at me.

An alarm went off. "Guys! It's 8:30. Time for the race!" Jordan announced, as Ian grinned.

"Alright, so Mitch and Ian are going to race across Jordan's back yard. You guys ready?" Jerome explained. Ian and Mitch nodded. Mitch let go of me and stood up, then offered me his hand. I took it and he pulled me up, pulling me to his side once more. The comments were going crazy with people's bets of who would win. I squeezed Mitch's hand to tell him I believed in him. We all walked outside to where even MORE cameras were set just for this. Ian stood at one side of the yard and waited for Mitch. Mitch leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"Don't let Jason touch you, okay?" He whispered so quiet only I could possibly hear him. I nodded and told him to go. He chuckled and kissed my cheek before running to Ian's side. Jerome held a flag from his food at the mall. Yes, he kept it.

"Ready? Set? GO!" He yelled, waving the tiny paper on the toothpick. Mitch and Ian took off, both basically neck and neck as they ran to the other side. Jordan's heard is pretty big, so it took a minute for them to reach the other side.

'Holy crap they're fast!' I saw in my comments. I laughed.

"You know it Kameron98274!" I said, reading the username. A few seconds later she started fangirling and I laughed again.

"They're almost done!" Quentin said. I looked and noticed that Jerome held up three fingers signaling it was their third and final lap. They were still both very close, and they kept quickly trading positions as first.

"And the winner is..... IT'S A TIE!" Jerome yelled as they both finished at the exact same time. I sat in shock as they both walked over to us, panting like dogs.

"GG MITCH!" Ian said, high fiving Mitch.

"You too dood!" He laughed. We all walked back inside and sat down back in the circle like out viewers told us.

"MORE truth or dare?!" Adam asks in disbelief. I laugh.

The rest of the night went on without another bump or issue. We played different games, Pixelmon was recorded live for the others and I actually joined a game with Mitch. I knew I wouldn't record with them, but I needed something to do! After the recorded they were told to join a Pixelmon SERVER. I joined that along with the others. After many different servers being added to my list and being played, we ended the Livestream at 5- an hour past what we meant to end it. Either way, the viewers loved it, and that's all that counts. But there was one thing on my mind....

"I'll be tight back Mitch. I need to talk to Jason." I said, stumbling over the word Jason before kissing Mitch's cheek and walking away to Jason. He was just logging out of Twitch when I walked up and grabbed his arm.

"Whoa! Lexi? What's wrong?" He asked as I dragged him along. I walked into the extra room upstairs that everyone always talked in. "Lexi. What's up?" He asked once more.

"Did you freaking feel that?" I asked.


"The kiss!"

"Of course I did. I was there, wasn't I?" He asked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.

"No. The sparks you idiot!" Of course I wasn't really calling him an idiot. It was friendly.

He sighed. "Maybe. But it doesn't matter." Jason looked down at his feet and kicked at the carpet.

I walked up to him. "No. You don't understand. There was more sparks and meaning in that kiss than in any kisses I've shared with Mitch. It does matter."

"No it doesn't! It won't change anything. Either way, you're with Mitch and I'm with no one!" He said, angry and sad. I looked at him sympathetically. The worst part is, I couldn't console him. He was right. I love Mitch. I'm not just leaving him for his friend.

"Jason... Ill think about it, okay?" I said, before letting him follow me back downstairs.

We got into the living room and the first thing I saw? Jerome sitting on one couch all alone looking quite sad, and Mitch sitting on the other, chatting with Sawyer happily. He talked on like there was no tomorrow, and seemed not to have a care in the world. I was about to scream at him, then I thought hey, maybe he's just being friendly. That all changed when he whispered something and they both laughed, causing Jerome to shoot out of his seat and jog upstairs, slamming a door shut behind him. Jason and I watched in shock as Mitch and Sawyer kept talking, not caring about Mitch's best friend. Or... Ex best friend.

"Mitch!" I yelled, taking a step toward him. He looked up quickly and I noticed his arm around her. Sawyer looked at me as her face turned red. She followed my eyes to his arm and quickly moved it away. Too late. I stormed out of the room just late enough to hear Jason say, "You see Mitch? You did it again!" That was all I heard before I was upstairs in the same room as Jerome. We both just kind of sat there crying on the bed. Both of us had lost the ones we love to another person. They just happened to be the same people.

Then the door burst open. Expecting it to be Mitch, my head snapped up and I grabbed a pillow to throw. When I saw a much shorter boy with basically the same hair but blue eyes at the doorway, I relaxed and put the pillow back. I placed my head in my hands again. The sound of footsteps grew closer to Jerome and I, then something made the bed sink in the middle of us.

"It's okay guys.... I promise. You'll both find someone. I know it." Jason assured quietly. I heard yelling downstairs. Jordan and Tyler's voices were loudest. I'd never heard Tyler angry before.

"She never even knew how I felt... How much did I have to hint to let her know? I did all I could!" Jerome sobbed. I saw he was in serious pain and wiped away my tears and held back the new ones. I sat next to Jerome on the opposite side of Jason and rubbed circles on his back to calm him. After a while, his sobbing subsided and the tears stopped. He wiped away the remaining ones on his cheeks. "Alright... I'm okay..." He said quietly. I knew he didn't mean it, but I let him go anyway.

"Keep an eye on him, okay?" I whispered to Jason. He nodded.

"Of course."

We walked downstairs and the scene was pretty scary. Everyone except Mitch, Tyler, Jordan, Preston, Ty, and Sawyer were sitting down. Jordan was yelling at Mitch for hurting me, Tyler was talking about his... Sister?! Sawyer is his sister?! I see it now! And Mitch was yelling at them both, saying he can love who he loves. I felt the tears well up in my eyes again and quickly took a step back, knowing Jason was there. He wrapped his arms around me to reassure me.

"Don't listen to him. He's just being an idiot." Jason whispered to me. I nodded, but couldn't help but feel that Mitch was right. I wasn't good enough. But apparently no one noticed Jason, Jerome and I were standing here because when Ty looked over and tapped Jordan to show him, everyone looked and looked shocked. The tears fell down my face steadily now. The way Mitch looked at me even after saying I wasn't good enough made me sick.

"Don't give me that sympathetic look Mitch! I heard what you just said! I'm not good enough for you? Huh? Is that what it is? Is that why you feel that it's fun to break my heart? Ill tell you something. I AM good enough for you. Actually, I'm too good for you! That's right, I said it! If you go and cheat on me, and I've never cheated, I'm too good for you! So go. Live your happy life while loving who you want to love. I really don't even care anymore. I'm done with you." I ranted. The whole time, I simply leaned forward, unable to leave Jason's grip. Good choice Jase. Knowing I'd probably kill Mitch.... Not really probably just smack him around.

Jerome still sat, staring at Sawyer, expressionless. She looked at him, then looked down. "I loved you..." He whispered.

"What?" Adam asked from the couch.

"I said I loved her!" Jerome shouted. "I loved you Sawyer! How did you not see?! I. LOVED. YOU. And this is the thanks I get. I'm done." Jerome then walked out of the house. It was silent for a while. I looked at Mitch and there were tears streaking his expressionless face. Well. Wasn't this an exciting day.

AN: let me guess. OMG I ACTUALLY GOT IT OUT SOON BUT NOOO SHORT CHAPTER! Thank @dorithedirectioner for the chapter so early. :D and me for the short chapter! Okay. So she urged my on in a funny way. Not an 'OMG UPDATE PLZ' way. I want comments I can respond to. Tell me, what can I change? How can I make it better? Any plot twists? Thanks guys! NO HATE ON SAWYER OR YOURE GETTING SMACKED OKIE? OKIE. Much luv to all! As always, if you enjoyed, slaapppp dat vote button witchya forehead! And... Bye!

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