Chapter Four

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Out of instinct, I ducked and side stepped. I stood up straight again to get a look at my attacker. He was a large man wearing a dark red ninja suit. A mask hid his face, so I had no idea who he was. 

He turned to me for a second punch, but my hand caught his fist. My other hand grabbed him by the forearm and I pulled him closer to me. My knee connected with his abdomen. He grunted and I let him go, expecting him to fall. Instead he sprung from his slouch and punched me square in the jaw. Pain spread throughout the whole left side of my face. I stumbled back and saw him coming at me in the corner of my eye. I dropped my body to the ground and swung my foot out to trip him. He did a nosedive to the asphalt and stayed still for a few seconds. I took the opportunity to find Alfred. I went to the other side of the car to find him on the ground, eyes closed.

"Alfred," I bent down. "Are you okay?" His eyes didn't open, but I felt a pulse in his neck. I stood up and looked around. We were parked in a parking garage with not very many cars around. I could hear noises from the streets outside, but had no idea where we were.

I began to run to look for help, when I was kicked forward. I fell to the ground, and felt the concrete cut my cheek. I rolled over to see the attacker above me. "What do you want?!" I yelled at him. He answered by giving me a swift kick to the stomach. I winced, but sprang from the ground. I began throwing punches left and right. He was able to block most, but I punched him in the stomach twice and the jaw once. No matter how many times or how hard I punched him, he never seemed to tire. He didn't even step back. Fine, if that's how you want to do this. I decided to try a new tactic. I stopped my fists, and ran around him. He turned to follow me, but I stopped and kicked him in the face as he turned. That will only slow him down a little though. I finally reached another car and jumped on the hood. The ninja was running up right behind me, but I did a backflip over him. While I was facing downwards mid-flip, I grabbed both sides of his head. I landed on the ground, bringing his head down with me. The back of his head hit the asphalt with enough force to knock him out.

"Okay I think that's enough!" I heard a British accent yell. I turned around to see Alfred standing near the car. He didn't look hurt at all. He could walk just fine.

"What?" I looked down at the man. "He just attacked us!"

Alfred ignored me and bent down next to the man, checking for a pulse.

"He's fine," I said. "I didn't hit his head hard enough to kill him."

"I know that," Alfred chuckled. "You sure aren't the first to give him a bump to the head, and you certainly won't be the last. Thank goodness I put padding in his mask," he started mumbling. "And he thought it was unnecessary..."

"Wait what?" I was starting to get incredibly confused. "You helped him attack me?! I thought you were Batman's right hand man!"

"I am," he said without looking up. "This is Batman."

At this point I was so confused I didn't have any questions.

Alfred slapped the man across the face, which snapped him awake. "Alfred what the-"

"Sir," Alfred interrupted. "Are you okay? Does your head feel okay? Should I call the doctor?"

"Alfred," Batman started to sit up. "I'm fine. Where's Lily?"

"I'm right here," I crossed my arms and glared at him as he turned around. "Would anyone care to explain what is going on here?"

"You passed," was all Batman said. He stood up with a grunt.

"You're awful at answering questions," I said, still glaring at him.

"This was all a test," Alfred answered for him. "We, or Batman I should say, wanted to test you." He paused. "I was against it."

"So you aren't hurt?" I asked him.

"No," Alfred smiled. "I'm peachy."

"Let's go inside," Batman turned and began to walk away. Alfred followed, with me behind him. He led us to an elevator. "Alfred go take her up to the apartment. I'll meet you there." Alfred nodded and we entered an elevator. The two of us stood in awkward silence while being raised one floor. The doors slid open to reveal a beautiful lobby. Chandeliers three times my height hung from the high ceilings, illuminating the whole room. I followed Alfred across the lobby to another elevator, but this time we stood in silence for twenty-one floors. The doors finally slid open into a living room. 

"Woah," I breathed out. Alfred walked into another room, while I slowly walked to the windows, taking everything in. Looking outside, I realized we were in downtown Chicago. I could see Lake Michigan on one side, and the city on the other side. Batman calls this an apartment? This is a freaking penthouse. Other penthouses wish they were this one...

"Enjoying the view?" Alfred snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned around to see he was holding a tray with an assortment of snack foods. He placed it on the coffee table and went back to where I assumed was the kitchen. I sat down on a suede couch and began to eat the cheese cubes when Batman, now in his Bat-costume, came through another door. How he got in, I have no idea.

He sat down in the chair to my left and looked at me. I continued to eat the cheese cubes, waiting for him to say something. 

"Are you expecting small talk?" I turned to him. He clearly wanted me to speak first. "What I am doing here," I said as more of a command rather than a question.

"Do you want to become Batgirl?" He asked in a monotone voice. Talk about getting right to the point.

"Say what?" I stared at him. "Batgirl? As in a girl version of you?"

"More or less," he said. "You have decent skills. While fighting you it felt like it was almost more natural for you than it was for me. I see potential in you. You were able to knock me unconscious, even though yes, I was going extremely easy on you. But I want to train you into becoming better."

"Oh," I said. I was honestly flattered. 

"You can think about it," Batman said. "But I need an immediate answer."

"That makes no sense," I stood up and began to pace back and forth. "Where will I train?"

"You will zeta tube to and from Gotham," he answered. "You'll go to one of my private training facilities."

"What is zeta tube?" I stopped to look at him.

"It's a teleporter that can take you anywhere in the world," he answered again. "That is, if there is a device set up."

"Uh...okay," I began pacing again. I had so many questions. "Why have I heard of and seen other superheroes but not you? No one has ever gotten you on camera."

"I see you've done your research. I prefer to stay in the shadows," was all he said.

"How often will training and everything be?" I asked. "Because I have school and a life."

"Everyday after you are done with school for two hours," he replied. "Also every weekend for three hours."

"What does 'I have a life' mean to you?" I stopped walking and put my hands on my hips. "And what am I supposed to tell my mom?"

"Is that a yes?" He didn't answer my question. Again.

I paused, thinking it over. This could be the worst idea ever presented to me, or this could lead me to getting my revenge on the Joker. Batman obviously knows him, and I could train to defeat him once and forall. McKenna could be avenged.

I made up my decision. "I'll do it."  

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