Chapter Six

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A/N: This one's a long one, sorry! Bare with me!

    The next morning I rolled out of bed at the sound of my alarm clock. My sore body shuffled around the house reluctantly. 

    When I got to school, I went to my locker to put my coat away. I was thinking about how painful training was going to be later when I heard a familiar voice call out my name.

    "Lily!" I turned to see Julia, about twenty feet away, pushing past a group of guys to get to me. Everyone turned to look at me and I blushed. She ran up to me waving a piece of paper in her hand. "I have the best news."

    "What's that?" I asked, eyeing the paper in her hand.

    "This," she paused for dramatic effect, "is an information paper for a Key Club event I signed you up for."

    I groaned. "Julia you know I hate that club. The events are so boring."

    "You'll like this one," she smirked. "I signed you up for the same event as Cameron."

    My eyes widened. Cameron Jones. I've had a crush on him all year, but I don't think he knows my name. He is the rising star of the freshmen basketball team, is an A level student, and hangs with the "cool crowd". He has brown hair that falls just right, and blue eyes to match mine. He's also incredibly nice considering who he hangs out with.

    "What's the event?" I shrugged. 

    Julia smirked again and said, "You're going to be ushering for the musical tonight."

    "Tonight?!" I exclaimed. "That's really sudden. I don't know..."

    "At least ask," she said handing me the paper. It was a half sheet with a small paragraph explaining what I was doing tonight. "The best part," Julia continued, "is that once the musical starts, you can sit and watch. With Cameron." She beamed at her plan.

    "And if he doesn't want to even talk to me?" I inquired.

    Already have that covered!" Julia's smile never wavered. "I looked to see if any of his friends will be there and not a single one signed up. So he's all yours."

    "Oh lord," I said, rolling my eyes.

    "I have to head to class now," she said. "I'll text you later!" She gave me a thumbs up and turned to leave. I looked down at the paper in my hand and smiled.

    How did I end up with this crazy friend? I laughed to myself and closed my locker.

    Two minutes later I was in my first period class, biology. This was my worst subject by far. I hated entering this class to see my awful teacher, Mr. Larta, sitting at his desk. I noticed Cameron across the room and caught his eye. I immediately looked away and rushed to sit down. The black-top counters were freezing, as usual.

    When the bell rang, Mr. Larta stood up to start class. He walked to the board and pulled the projector screen down. After he turned it on, a new seating chart appeared on the screen.

    "I was going to wait until Monday after today's test," he began talking in his low voice, "but I had it already made and thought, 'Hey! What the heck.'"

    I found my name and table number. I moved across the room to find Cameron already there. He looked at me as I sat down and faced him. I gave him a small grin and turned to see who else was at our table. Two other girls I barely knew, since they didn't go to my middle school last year. I said my hellos and looked back at Cameron. He was looking at the girl next to me. No surprise.

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