Chapter Five

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"Left, right, duck, hook," Batman demonstrated on a dummy.

"It's been two hours," I whinned. "Can I please go home?" It's been one week of training and I'm already extremely tired.

The day I said yes to training, Batman and Alfred set up a zeta tube by my house in the abandoned car wash. I've been coming every day since. I thought the first day would be kind of like a field day. But no. He immediately started trying to punch me. Batman wasn't kidding when he said he went easy on me, because everyday has gotten a little harder than the last. We've been doing more though. He set up an obstacle course that required a lot of acrobatic maneuvers. I was awful at that considering I had no flexible limb in my body. But that was only one day, and it's been fighting every other day. I've been punched in the gut more times then I've passed my geometry tests.

On the fourth day Batman approached me while I was sitting in the weight room. "You're barely flinching when I hit you. I'm hitting you at least half my strength."

I didn't know how to answer him. Should I tell him what my father does to me? How he's been hitting me since I was eleven? How this is almost as strong as my father, so I'm used to it? I looked at Batman, hoping he would see it in my eyes. He seemed to notice.

"Have you been hit like this before?" He moved to sit next to me, but at a respectable distance. I nodded and tears started to form in my eyes. "Have you told anyone?" I shook my head. I had never told anyone about it, not even McKenna or Julia. "Who?" Batman asked politely.

"My dad," I whispered. "And my mom can't do anything to stop it, because he does the same to her."

"You should tell someone."


"He should be in jail."

"No!" I turned to him. "He's my dad. I can't betray him." With that, I stood up and left the weight room.

Over the next few days, Batman's training was getting harder, and I wasn't improving. I was beginning to get incredibly frustrated and angry at myself. I began to doubt myself. How could I fight villains with powers if I can't even fight a guy in a mask?

Today, Batman seemed to notice my attitude because he paused his demonstration. He looked at his wrist watch and sighed. "Sure. You can go home."

I ran to the locker room and changed back into my jeans and sweater. When I was about to leave, Batman called out to me. "You don't need to be frustrated."

"What do you mean?" I played dumb.

"I can tell you are feeling frustrated," Batman said. "It's only your first week, you can't expect to have mastered everything by then. It took Robin years to be where he is now."

"But I already have fighting experience," I remarked. "How can I not keep up with all this?"

"This isn't just karate," Batman answered softly. 

"Yeah," was all I could mutur. I said my goodbye and zeta tubed back to Wheaton. When I arrived home, my mom was in the kitchen watching the news.

"LILY!" My dad bellowed from the living room.

"Yes?" I asked, peeking my head around the corner.

"Where have you been all week?" He didn't look away from the TV.

"I've been tutoring middle schoolers," I said. Rule number one to lying: keep it short and sweet.

"Why would you want to do that?" He took a swig of his beer.

"Because I've barely done anything since McKenna's death," I said, just as I practiced. "I've been trapping myself in this house, so I found something to do."

Dad grunted and didn't say another word. I took that as my cue to leave. I sighed a deep breath of relief and climbed the stairs two at a time. I finished my homework as fast as I could, and scarfed down my dinner. I was so exhausted and just wanted to go to sleep. I about to get in bed when my dad walked in. I glanced at him, but continued to pull the covers of my bed back.

When he didn't move, I asked, "Yes?"

"Did you remember to do your chores today?" He crossed his arms.

Shit. "No," I whispered. "I forgot."

"You forgot?" He asked raising his voice. "I told you to do them yesterday!"

"I can do them now." I tried to scurry around him, but he put his arm out and connected it to my rib cage, knocking the wind out of me. I stepped back. "I'm sorry." I looked down at my feet.

He slapped me across the temple, but I barely flinched. "I ask you to do simple jobs in this house, yet you still fail." He put his finger under my chin, lifting my head. "Look at me," he commanded. I reluctantly looked him in the eye. He slapped me across the face and turned around. I let out the breath I was holding, but thought too soon. He swung back around and punched me right next to my breast. I clutched my side, watching him leave the room.

Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I thought. I finally climbed into bed and turned off the lamp next to my bed. My sore body fell asleep soon after.  

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