Chapter Fourteen

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Dick entered the front door before Alfred and I. As he entered the grand entrance, he called out, "I'm home Bruce!"

I was so busy gawking at the the expensive decor to notice a man walk in from a door behind me.

"Dick, who is thi-" his sentence stopped short when I turned around. His face showed no surprise, but his eyes flickered to Alfred.

"Her name is Lily," Alfred said. I couldn't understand why they wouldn't just tell Dick who I was.

"I found her wandering the streets," Dick smiled his gorgeous smile at me. I grinned back, but turned back to the large man standing in front of me.

"I was hoping to interview you," I said, having trouble keeping my tone even. "Its for a school project."

    "Of course," Bruce Wayne smiled. "I have time tonight if it's important."

    "It is," I responded. I hoped he saw in my eyes the urgency.

    "Dick can take you to my office," Bruce glanced at the Boy Wonder. He nodded and took my wrist to lead me down a hallway. I glanced back to see Bruce whispering to Alfred before I was whisked around a corner.

    "Sorry for Bruce being so awkward," Dick smiled as we walked. "He the middle of something."

    Probably doing Batman-y things. I smirked to myself, hoping he wouldn't notice. We stopped at a dark wooden door that led into a beautiful study. Shelves were covered with relics and trinkets. His desk was covered with stacks of papers and plates with leftover scraps. I sat down in a chair in front of his desk. My anxiety began to take over. Soon enough, Bruce Wayne entered the room with no eye contact to anyone.

    "Dick you can leave," he instructed while taking a seat. Dick opened his mouth to say something, but seemed to think better of it. He left the room as silent as a mouse. Once the door closed, Bruce Wayne dropped his entire act. His features suddenly changed to mad. "What are you doing here? I'm almost positive you found me by luck." He stood up. He towered over me. "You realize how risky this is. You could've-"

    "My mom was stabbed," I cut him off, "by my dad." Bruce quickly shut his mouth. He did nothing but stare at me for what felt like hours.

    "So you come here," he said in a monotone voice. "Do you not have friends?"

    "Yes," I scuffed at him." I just don't want them to know about this. I felt this would be a safe place for me to go." Again, Bruce showed no emotion. "It's just one night."

    Bruce walked back around his desk and slumped into his leather chair. He rubbed his eyes.

    "I don't understand what the big deal is," I finally spoke what has been on my mind for weeks. "Dick, er, Robin, should be my ally, my friend, someone to help me train. Not someone to hide from. I don't understand why you are hiding me from the world!"

    "Because having you as covert is too important," he said without lifting his head. "You also could become in danger. You have a family, friends, people you care about. You are so young and inexperienced that you could have one slip up, and now the whole world knows who you are. They will use the people you love."

    "Seems a little over dramatic," I mumbled.

    "Maybe," Bruce finally met my eyes again, "but I stand by it. You can stay in the guest house for one night, but tell Dick you're leaving right now." He opened a drawer in his desk and slid a key across the desk. "I expect you out by ten tomorrow. Alfred will see to anything you need."

I nodded, although was a little disappointed. Turns out Batman is cruel with or without the mask. I exited the study and turned down the hallway in the direction I hoped was right. I met Alfred in the grand entrance and told him where I was going. He began to walk me to the door when Dick appeared at the top of the grand staircase.

"Leaving already?"

"Sorry," I responded. "I have to get home."

"Okay," he smiled. "It was good meeting you!"

"You too."

He disappeared with a smile into another hallway upstairs.

"Do you think he suspected anything?" I asked Alfred.

"Master Dick is a wonderful detective," Alfred chuckled, "but he can be a bit distracted when it comes to pretty girls."

I blushed as we walked around the mansion to a smaller house deep in the yard. The house wasn't very big. Cozy though. I unlocked the front door and set my backpack on a small chair in the main room.

"Have a good night Lily," Alfred smiled to me. "I'll be back at ten tomorrow."

"I have to go to school tomorrow so I will be gone by six thirty." I found the first bedroom and started undoing the sheets.

"Well then I'll be here at six thirty," Alfred opened the door to leave. When he was gone, I climbed into bed without thinking of any of my other homework. It took me a long time to fall asleep that night.

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