Chapter Thirteen

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"Thank you for driving me," I said returning from my house to Olivia's car with my backpack. "But I can walk from here."

"Are you sure?" Olivia asked.

"It's only a block," I dismissed with a wave of my hand. I turned back to my house. "I just need to lock the door."

"Alright, but here." She handed me a business card. "Call me if you need anything."

I nodded and walked back to my door to lock it. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Olivia get back in her car and start the engine. I started across my lawn to the sidewalk as she pulled out of the drive way. I walked the opposite way of her towards Josh's house. I walked until she turned around the corner, out of sight. As soon as her car was gone, I made a three-sixty degree turn back to another road. No way was I spending the night at a friend's. I didn't need anyone's pity, nor did I want anyone to know about my hellish family. A sleepover with Josh and his sister would be fun, but I would have to tell them the reason. 

I found the old car wash with the zeta tube hidden inside. I arrived in Gotham City within seconds. As soon as I stepped out of the broken phone booth, I realized I had no idea where to go. I had to find the mansion I saw exiting the cave, but I didn't know who owned it nor where to find it. Should I ask someone? I thought. But I figured it would seem suspicious to a stranger. Or they would laugh at me.

I stepped out of the alley to find the street almost deserted. It was eight o'clock by now, so many were home eating dinner. I pulled out my phone and tried to turn it on. "You've got to be kidding me," I muttered under my breath. It was dead. I continued down the street to find a newspaper shop closing.

"Wait!" I rushed over to the man closing the stand. He turned to me with a bored expression. "Do you know where I can find a map of the city?"

"Why?" He asked, not answering my question.

"I have to find a big mansion, but I don't know where to find it." I realized lying would be a waste of time, and didn't care if he thought I was crazy.

A different voice answered my question, "Do you mean the Wayne Manor?"

I turned to see a young boy, maybe a year or so younger than me, with dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He was honestly incredibly good looking.

"Yes that one!" I responded. I hope.

He chuckled. "Do you not know where it is? Everyone in this city does."

"Well sorry," I said with no remorse in my tone. "I'm not from around here."

"Obviously," he scuffed with a smirk. Holy hotness, I thought. Good lord get yourself together Lily. He is obviously younger than you. "I live there. I can take you."

I raising my eyebrows. If this was Batman's home would that mean...this is Robin? He has the same dark hair, but it was hard to tell with it being slicked back against his head.

He started walking, and I could do nothing but follow him. "Can I ask you why you need to get to Wayne Manor, Miss..." he paused. "What was your name again?"

"Lily," I responded. "Yours?"

"Richard," he responded. "But call me Dick."

If he was Robin, my lie had to be good. He was trained by the greatest detective, so he would be able to detect my lie before I could finish my sentence. Thankfully I was also trained by the same Dark Knight, and was taught to lie from day one.

"I'm researching the differences in wealth and status from different families around the area for school. Gotham is one of the best cities that demonstrates the difference in wealth, so it seemed like a good place to start." I kept my story short, and my tone even. He didn't respond for a few moments, and my heart rate began to quicken. I looked at the ground as we walked.

But after the longest moments of my life, he responded, "You're not wrong about that." I let out an internal sigh of relief. We walked another block in silence before he stopped at a limo. Of course.

"Alfred!" Dick called out. My heart skipped a beat. Could this be the same...

My question was answered as an old man turned to us. The same old man who greeted me in an abandoned parking lot all those weeks ago. His eyes graced over to me to Dick. If he recognized me, he didn't show it. I'm sure he did though, and his presence made me more certain I was going to the right place.

"Could you take my friend, Lily, and me back to the manor?" Dick asked quite politely.

"Of course, sir," he responded while opening the door for us. I climbed in first, with Dick following. The limo was spacious and had many snack wrappers littering the floor. Alfred returned to the driver's seat and started to pull away from the curve. "Are you sure Master Bruce would approve of this...unexpected guest?"

"I don't see why he wouldn't," Dick replied in a heartbeat.

Bruce Wayne. My mind flashed to the day of McKenna's funeral, when a burly man gave me the letter from Batman. I never put two and two together. How could I be so stupid! Of course the millionaire Bruce Wayne was Batman. All the pieces added up.

It took ten minutes until we reached the mansion outside the city. Dick hopped out of the car and waited for me to get out as well. Alfred and I made eye contact while Dick's back was turned. I still couldn't read his expression. I wanted to talk to him in private, but could no nothing but follow them to the door.  

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