Leave a Message After the Beep

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Twas the night before the competition and all through Bluebell, not a creature was stirring because it was midnight, except for Richard because his insomnia was preventing him from sleeping. He counted on his fingers the number of songs that PBG had asked him to sing the week before.

"Seven." He mumbled absent mindedly as he walked out of the room in his pajamas. His bare feet padded softly down the stairs until he exited the building. It was raining large drops at a steady pace that appeared accelerated due to the stiff and cold breeze. Richard didn't feel the cold or the wet; his mind was clouded and set on walking to the tree. He arrived at the sanctuary his brain was so keen on reaching and stopped. He stared out to the sky just above the field and caught a glimpse of beautiful, dark, and endless space before the clouds once again covered their treasure.

"Hey, my jewel, my Jewl, it's me. It's Rick." He spoke to the expanses of nothingness. "I...it's been tough cense you left. And I know you're not coming back, even if I want you to, more than anything in the world. But, I found someone. Someone who treats me the way you treated me. He's stood up for me and shown me kindness. I...he'll never replace you. No matter how hard he tries, he can never amount to you. I know, I know, you would have wanted me to move on. It's been so hard though! I don't want to move on...you were my best friend and my boyfriend...Jared will never be able to have all of me; even though you're gone, part of me will always belong to you. Listen, I just want to let you know that wherever you are, I still love you. Forever and always. And our songs, well, the songs that made me think of you at least, will probably always be ours. But I want to have songs with Jared too. I mean, if you approve and if he even likes me like that. Jewl, I love you to the horizon, the moon, the next galaxy, and back. But, I think it's time that I try to move on." Richard spoke honestly to the absent male in his life while a few tears mixed with rain drops on his cheeks. It felt almost like it was just a phone call sent to the inbox to him. "I hope you're happy wherever you are...my Jewl..." He trailed off and began walking back to Bluebell. His clothes were wet and his body cold, but he didn't care. He returned to his room and laid down on the floor. With a heavy, yet content heart and mind, he fell asleep. His phone erupted with messages from PBG before the crack of dawn awaking him. Richard changed into his Asagao uniform and turned on one of his playlists to listen to on the train. PBG bounced around with excitement while the other Normal Boots members appeared to have their joy contained. Richard's eyes widened when he saw Shane; his nose was bandaged and the skin around it was bruised purple. He ghosted a hand across his own faded bruises, feeling sympathetic. They boarded the train and the American sat by himself so he could study his queues as needed. However, Jon pulled Shane to where the gay was and shoved Shane to sit directly next to Richard. He then wrapped them in a blanket and sat across from them with a confident smirk.

"W-what?" The shortest male attempted to ask with his sleep-deprived voice. Shane grunted but Jon raised his hands with a shrug.

"You two are in the blanket fort of team bonding! Once we get there, you can leave Shane." He concluded. Richard raised his hand in front of his chest before he was about to speak. Jacque flew from Jon's shoulder and landed on the perch made from the curly haired boy's hand.

"Start talking. Or I will cause you both to perish." The bird's voice ordered as his eyes glowed red. Richard's free hand moved closer to the green feathered one and he scratched behind the bird's ear. Jacque fluffed up slightly and closed his eyes. "O-okay. Okay. Once you guys know more about each other you can be done." The robotic voice altered happily.

"Was that bullshit?!" Jon complained loudly and snatched his little friend from the gay's hands. The two argued while Richard looked anywhere but at Shane.

"Sorry." The blue eyed male stated quietly. Richard turned slightly to look at him.

"What do you mean?" He asked. Shane sighed; he was not apologizing again.

"I should have given Cake a chance and not just out right hated her. You were right. I was wrong." He stated in a British accent and monotone voice. Richard smiled slightly.

"I'm sorry for calling you out on that. It wasn't the time or place to do that..." The gay said with hatred for himself. The brit nodded and tossed the blanket wrapped around them at Jon before standing and walking away. Jon was up and running after him in a matter of moments leaving behind one confused gay who was now thinking that Jon and Shane were dating.

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