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(That's my actual Meyer-Briggs letters. Fun fact: INFJs make up only one percent of the total population. The more you know~)

Richard was gently roused from his musical safe haven by two chilled hands cupping his warm face.

"Jared?" He asked softly and placed his small hand on top of whoever's were cooling his skin. Two groggy brown eyes opened to peer into one blue eye and one green eye. PBG and Jared were kneeling in front of the American; the model's cold hands moved so that their fingers were intertwined.

"Richie, is something up? I called Jare because you weren't answering the door." PBG stated and gently tugged out Richard's earbuds. The smol forced a smile and tightened his hold on Jared's hands.

"I must have got your goat, because I was KID-ding! I know. I've GOAT to stop BAAfore I make a fool of myself." He stated as his grin widened into a real one. The taller students groaned at the numerous puns. "I have some Psychology homework. Would you two be willing to take a simple test for me?" The gay asked hopefully.

"If it's got no math, count me in." PBG declared as he stood up and walked over to Richard's bed. He flopped down onto it with a content sigh. Richard slyly kissed Jared's knuckle before sliding to the center of the room. He pulled his psychology book off the desk while Jared sat frozen in the corner with pink tinted cheeks.

"I would like you both to take one variation of a Meyer-Briggs test with me. Do not answer with any unsures, please." He stated and began to rattle off the where the test was. The room fell silent; the boys filled out their tests on their phones in the separate portions of the room. Richard finished first and documented his four letters on the back of his right hand: INFJ. While the other two were finishing, he read through some data about 'his people'. They were individuals who liked to spend time by themselves, work alone, had few true friends, and had romantic lives that others dream of once they find their partner. The last part made his heart ache slightly, but then speed up at the thought of having that kind of relationship with Jared.

"No Richard! Dat's gay!" A small voice that sounded like Jimmy called out playfully in his mind. As much as he wanted to call out hypocrite, Richard kept his thoughts silent other than a few mental chuckles.

"What's with the pen-tattoo?" PBG's voice echoed slightly through the room, startling Richard back to the present.

"Oh, ya know...bored..." He trailed off casually. Jared had moved to sit in one of the desk chairs and handed his boy-toy, he hadn't properly asked Richard out yet, his notebook.

"Thanks Jare." He said quietly and jotted down the letters they told him, along with his own. Richard was tired; the lack of sleep for 48 hours had caught up with him and hit like a train carrying a semi truck filled with bricks. HIs head slumped to the side and his eyes glazed almost immediately as his brain shut down. Jared scooted his chair closer to the smol and resisted drawing his fingers through the curly haired ones locks. PBG didn't notice and decided to call Jared from Richard's phone. You know, it would probably be fun to hear his ringtone. The sudden music beginning near his head pulled Richard back into his body. The tune was familiar. Extreamly familiar. It was his own voice singing Separate Ways. He couldn't help but smile and sing along with himself. Jared fumbled to get his phone out of his pocket. His face was pink as he silenced it. PBG just laughed.

"If you must go, I wish you love! You'll never walk alone! Take care my love; miss you love!" Richard continued singing without the music. PBG tossed Richard his phone while laughing at how Jared thought the song was "catchy". Oh how naïve of him. The owner of the phone quickly changed Jared's song to I Need a Hero and sighed.

Richard- I love that song

Richard- I love you

His tired brain didn't register what it had texted and he simply rested his head against Jared's leg. Part of him knew that he sent it and was proud; the other part thought it was a dream or he saved it as a draft. Jared, on the other hand, had changed from pink to scarlet with those three simple words. Did....did Richard mean it?

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