Zero to Hero

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While everyone Richard knew at Asagao were playing Stomp, he sat in his room doing homework. He completed it in one hour, record time! He laid down in bed with his panda and MagiKoi and a playlist of all of the Steven Galaxy songs playing in the background. He did not sleep; he dozed and happened to dream.

He was walking into the cafe. It must have been lunch time, because the room has full of students. He began walking towards the Hidden Block table, but stopped in his tracks as Cake threw herself across the table at Ian while Luke reached for the salt shaker. Jimmy spotted him and beckoned the smaller gay to come over. Richard spun around on his heals and walked out of the cafe.

He woke up with the familiar and distinct taste of artificial orange on his tongue for a split second before his phone rang.

"Hello?" He asked as he answered the call.

"Hey Richard, it's Jon. I need you to come to the auditorium. Like, a-sap." The other chubby boy stated almost franticly through the phone. Richard sighed and rubbed his face with his free hand.

"Yeah, alright. I'll be there in a few minutes." He responded while Jon and Jaque mumbled relieved 'thank you's. The American slid on his shoes and snagged his water bottle, then was on his way to the auditorium. He pushed the heavy door open and rubbed his tired eyes; the dark room reminded him that he was way behind on sleep. The bright stage lights reviewed Jon and numerous actresses in starch white togas on the broad wooden stage. Richard made his way down the steps and collapsed in the center stage front row seat.

"Alright ladies! Lets run through the song one time before Richard gets here. Cake! If you're done with the wig, please come to the stage!" Jon called loudly before scuttling off the stage and winding up a few seats away from Richard. Cake walked out into the light in a purple toga and red wig; her slight snarl conveying the discomfort of the attire. Richard tucked his left foot under his body, propped the other up on the chair, balled his left hand into a fist, and pressed the index finger of his fist to his lips as the music started. The girls sang and danced about to the track of I Won't Say I'm in Love.

"That was good. However, I do have one main complaint. I don't know how long you have been rehearsing, but consonants! This is a nothing more than a large, glorified, tissue box. If you plan on using mics, then it's no problem. If not, annunciate because it was hard to understand the text. Sorry for being 'that guy'." Richard spoke loudly, startling everyone.

"Jesus! Don't do that!" Jon called with a hand over his heart.

"Our Hercules is here." Jaque chirped with artificial joy. Wait, Hercules? The gay adjusted himself slightly.

"I'm no actor. I recommend someone with a good memory. Other issues: I'm short, I'm a shape instead of in shape, and I'm the most feeble little man." He concluded. The director started laughing; hearty laughs bounced off the walls before Jon stared at Richard.

"You as Hercules? I would never do that! Luke is MIA, Missing in the Auditorium, and you were the first guy I thought of that can sing besides him." He finished explaining. Great! That was exactly what Richard's already fragile if not nonexistent self esteem needed. He stood and walked up onto the stage while pretending that he didn't feel offended or upset. Cake hugged him, but pulled away and stated at his wrist. A bracelet of various green beads that looked like Jade or Fool's Jade and a rose gold fortune cookie adorned his wrist.

"That's pretty. Where'd you get that?" She asked while Jon instructed the other actresses. Richard forced a single chuckle out.

"I actually don't know. I, uh, I woke up with it on this morning." He admitted. She moved her hands to smoosh his face with concerned eyes.

"Smol! Don't you lock your door? Someone was in your room! Dat's bad!" She urged. All he could do was shrug.

"I don't know who it's from...maybe my fairy gay-mother, aka Jimmy." He managed to say before being a substitute Hercules started. Jon really sent him through the ringer: dialog, acting, dialog, acting, singing, acting, dialog, and more dialog. Richard felt dead on his feet once again. Thankfully, practice ended and he was free to head back to his dorm.

"You know, you did alright. You could be Phil!" Jon enthused. Jaque shook his head.

"No. I will help as needed, but I can't be actually in the play." He replied honestly. It was brash for him, but he was exhausted and really just wanted to be alone. Jon faked a hurt expression.

"What a Dicky Downer!" He yelled although Richard was two feet away. The gay cracked a smile and rolled his eyes.

"Why am I friends with you two?" He playfully asked Jon and Jaque, but walked out before they could respond. "Thanks, whoever gave me this bracelet." He stated quietly to the air as he began walking across the campus to Bluebell.

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