Dude looks like a Lady

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(The picture is relevant and inspired this chapter

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(The picture is relevant and inspired this chapter. The author wanted to include it because it is humorous. All art/games/music used does not belong to the author.)

Jon called all the teal jacketed guys to come to Jared's room to relax and play games. Richard moved to the corner of the room and hoped that he would be forgotten and left alone. Satch unlocked the door and followed Paul, Nick, and Josh in.

"I thought you were sick." He mused and took a seat next to Jared.

"Oh, my wonderful husband! I was. I simply forced myself to recover so that my adoring fans can see me again." The sculpted man said with a chuckle. PBG, Jirard, and Shane entered the room, causing it to become slightly more claustrophobic. Richard silently pleaded that he could at least maintain his composure if they talked to him. Shane tripped over the little ball of depression and anxiety; he glared down at the accidental obstacle and started to reprimand his likely least favorite gay man. However, a seemingly unsuspecting PBG slid up to Richard and smothered him in a hug before Shane could speak. The Brit scowled, rolled his cold eyes, and went to sit with the other guys. Jirard sat down with PeperBrickGuy and the known gay.

"How are you Richie?" He asked and pulled away to gaze happily into unsettled brown eyes with cheery green ones. Richard shrugged and forced a smile and wave to Jirard.

"I don't mean to pry, but what brought you to Asagao?" Jirard asked with intrigue.

"I got a scholarship. I couldn't turn down free schooling at such a renowned school....I kind-of wish I hadn't come here some days." He replied softly so only the two interacting with him could hear.

"Homesick? Do you miss your family and friends?" PBG asked and gently smooshed Richard's cheeks.

"Yes? I-I miss my parents. I miss my house. But...I don't have any friends; so I'm not homesick in that respect." He stated slowly, not quite believing himself. Before they could ask more, Jon walked over and smiled widely.

"Richard, I know I own you for being my understudy, but I need you to do something for me. Come, speak with me in the hall." He stated like a video game character when assigning the protagonist a quest. Richard reluctantly stood and walked into the hall after Jon.

"What is it?" He asked quietly. Jon patted the smaller boy's arm and smiled.

"I need you to try on a dress for me. I need to see how the dress would look on my actress, but she's busy. You two have similar frames, so...please?" Jon asked and led Richard to his room where a maroon dress hung by the end of the bed. Richard heaved a sigh, grabbed the dress, and went to the bathroom to change. He put in his headphones and started some music that would hopefully block out Jon's loud voice. He walked out to meet Jon. He smiled wide enough that it looked like it hurt, but his cheeks turned a slight pink and he shoved what appeared to be a pink bra into Richard's hands.

It WAS a pink bra.

"You need to wear this too. To sell the allusion, and all." Jon stuttered. The American couldn't care at all anymore. He dropped his clothes into a pile in the corner of Jon and PBG's room before putting the last garment on. Richard snagged his sweater before leaving and tied it around his head to hide his identity just in case. Again, Richard was dragged somewhere gently. He couldn't tell where; his music muffled the sounds and his sweater blocked the light.

Hands gently spun him around and messed with the dress. The dress was long on him and pooled slightly around his feet but felt very luxurious! He didn't know what silk felt like; maybe it was silk or some other fancy material used for dresses. There was a set of simultaneous tugs, one at the zipper of the dress and the other at the sweater, before light bombarded Richard eyes. He heard laughing and looked over his shoulder to see many astonished faces and a laughing Shane. Richard froze while staring at an increasingly flustered Jared.

"Why are you wearing a bra?!" He yelled the question, sending Shane into a fresh wave of laughter. Richard said the first thing that came to his mind for a way to defend himself.

"It's to support my muscles!" He yelled in response and ran out of the room. Richard changed as fast as he could and left the dress in Jon's room before dashing up to his room to cry.

As Richard ran out, Jon turned to everyone else and chuckled.

"I needed him to model a dress for me, and...he wore it really well. Dude looked like a lady; like, a straight up lady. Like, the kind that you would bring home to introduce to your parents but later fu-" Shane placed his hand over Jon's mouth before he could continue speaking.

"Shut up." He stated surprisingly calmly, considering he was nearly in tears from laughing just a moment ago.

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