Chapter 2

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And here's yet another chapter!  I am on a roll!  XD!  Anyways, vote, fan, comment, keep reading, and all o' that jazz!  Thanks!  ~ wolvez_rule_364

OH and that pic on the side?  It's what I picture her whole wolf ears and tail to look like coming out of her head and like, just above her butt or whatever, but you have to picture her hair/fur white and her eyes yellow... if you do that it looks exactly like her!  There weren't many pictures of wolf girls with white hair and yellow eyes... actually, there were none, pretty much all of them had brown hair, so I'm leaving it up to your imagination to give the picture a little color switcheroo, alright?  Thanks!  My little rambling is over, so... read away!  ;)


Chapter 2

(Ookami's POV)

Apparently only Naruto.  So I sat with him in the Ichiraku Ramen Shop, watching as he slurped down bowl after bowl.  And finally, after his freaking 17th bowl he was done.  He thanked me for inviting him before leaving for his house.  I scoffed, as if he wouldn't have come anyway.  But, I suppose when someone invites you, you don't have to pay... dang freeloader.  

After paying for the ramen I went to my own home, which had been graciously supplied by the Hokage.  He had furniture and everything set up in advance.  He also gave me the money I'd need until we started doing missions.

I collapsed on the very comfy couch and took off the jutsu that was hiding my ears and tail from everyone.  I curled up on the couch, bringing my tail up, and before I even realized it, I was fast asleep.

The next morning I woke late, at 8 o'clock.  I let out a huge yawn, and sleepily looking around my apartment.  Then it all came back to me, meeting Kakashi, meeting him at 6, ramen with Naruto - wait.  My eyes zeroed in on the wall clock and widened to the size of watermelons, "I"M LATE!!!!!"

Yes, before you ask, even 'evil' beasts such as I can have panic attacks like that.  So, I bolted out of bed and zipped around, getting changed and pausing mid-inhalation of a very appetizing looking pastry, suddenly remembering Kakashi's warning against eating anything.  I eventually decided to heed it and reluctantly put the pastry down.  I stared at it forlornly for a while, my tail hanging limply and my ears drooping pathetically... but then I remembered that I was late and I went into hyperactive mode again.

I ran out the door after putting the jutsu back on to conceal my wolf-like traits and since I had to make it look like I was a mere Genin, fresh out of the academy, well, no, scratch that, a mere Genin who didn't even GO to the academy, I ran much slower than I would've liked to.

But, alas, not everything in life goes your way, for instance, I never wanted to be in this restrictive human body in the first place, damn scientists.  I suppressed a growl at the mere thought of them, taking comfort in the fact that they were now dead, after dying a slow and painful death of course... being burned alive must be painful....

Anyways!  I arrived at the training grounds, pretending to pant, and then I stood up and looked around, but saw absolutely o sign of Kakashi.  I frowned, "Where's Kakashi-sensei?"

Sakura scowled, "He's not HERE, that's for sure!"

And then I tuned her out with an eye-roll as she started complaining about how she woke up late and didn't have time to dry her hair and whatnot, blah, blah, blah.  UNfortunately I tuned back in when Naruto let us in on a wonderful piece of information.  "Yeah!  I didn't get to brush my teeth!"

So that's what that smell was... ugh, human's are so stupid.  I blew out a breath as Kakashi appeared on the scene - FINALLY!  I was beginning to think about going back.  I tuned them all out again as kakashi gave the worst excuse ever and Sakura and Naruto complained again.  Next thing I knew, Kakashi had Naruto at... kunai-point, I guess?  Whatever, and he was complimenting him on coming at him with the intent to kill, but "I didn't say start yet."

There was a pause, and then, "Start."

Whoosh!  And he was gone, leaving us, well, not me, but the other three wondering where he was.  Sasuke and Sakura ran off to hide, leaving Naruto and I standing there.  I walked easily over to a tree and sat at the bottom of the trunk, not knowing what exactly we were supposed to be doing anyways, so...

"AAAHHH!!!!"  I looked up and raised an eyebrow at Naruto, who hung, suspended in the air.  Kakashi stood before him, shaking his head and giving a terrible explanation as to why Naruto didn't get something.  He was all, 'because you don't get it, get it?'  You're just going to confuse the idiotic blond boy more, Kakashi.  I shook my head, pathetic, is what this whole thing was, just pathetic.  

I leapt into the tree and just watched until the time was up, taking this chance to analyze their power. I stifled laughter when Sasuke was stuck underground, which surprised me in itself, I didn't laugh.  Never.  Weird...

Anyways, when the timer went off I leapt down and looked around at my teammates.  Naruto was tied to a stump, Sasuke was brooding, and Sakura was pouting.  Kakashi explained to us why we all failed as ninja and that we wouldn't be going back to the academy (not that I was ever there...) because we didn't deserve to be ninjas and how only together we would've accomplished our goal of getting the bells from him.  So that's what we were supposed to be doing....

While I contemplated all he had said, Sasuke lunger for Kakashi, who pinned him to the ground and told Sakura to kill Naruto or he would kill Sasuke.  Then he released Sasuke and explained how we would be put into situations such as that and we needed to work together as a team.  Well, sorry to disappoint, Sensei...

"Now, you three can eat lunch, but don't give any to Naruto.  He doesn't get any since he tried to eat ahead of time.  And with a poof he was gone again.  He was stalking us, though, I could tell.  All-powerful beast, remember?

I snatched up my lunch and was about to greedily dig in, but then Sasuke thrust his bento towards Naruto.  "Sasuke?  What are you doing?"  Sakura questioned.

"If we're going to be working as a team, we can't have this idiot all underfed and dragging us down, can we?"  Sasuke said, still holding out his food.  Does he realize that Naruto can't use his hands...?

Sakura seemed to think about this for a minute and then she handed hers out too, "Here, take mine."

I looked longingly at my own food, which I would normally eat wihtout a care in the world even if someone who was starving to death was right there, but I was supposed to act like a human, so...  In the end I shoved some of my own food into Naruto's mouth.  "Eat up, blondie.  You guys, too, if you're not fed you'll be no help either."  All of that barely had any time to come out of my mouth before there was a thunderous blast and Kakashi appeared, pointing at us, "YOU!"


He gave us a close-eyed smile.  "PASS!"


Thanks for reading!  Please vote, fan, comment, and keep reading!  ;)

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