Chapter One

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Wheat fields, blue sky, which is cloudless. That's all I can see right now. I look beyond in the distance. I can't see anything but the bright gold wheat. Is this a dream? Nightmare? Is this real? Whatever it is, I'm gonna find out. I start walking straight forward, hoping to find... Something.

One hour later and i'm still walking. I have come across nothing else but wheat fields. For a nice windy day, it's fiery hot. Sweat is dripping down from every part of my body. I feel like I am going to collapse. Exhausted is the word for it. How did I get here? Why am I here? Where is here? Countless questions go through my head. If i don't find anything, will I starve? Thirst to death? I already feel the starvation coming on, and my mouth is as dry as a desert. I have to push myself to keep walking. Why would I be sent here if I wasn't supposed to find something, right? The best thing I can do is be positive.

What seems like a couple hours later I am still walking. Each step I take, makes me lose hope even more. The weather hasn't changed. I would think by now, it would be getting dark. If I am going to try find something, I better find it quick. Otherwise I will likely freeze to death in the night. I am wearing a skirt that sits just above my knees and a black short sleeve shirt. I am happy that i am wearing my sneakers, otherwise i would have trouble walking for this long. I push myself to walk faster, even though I have high doubt in myself. Why should I go through this pain? Is there even anything to find? What if I am just walking deeper and deeper into the fields? Then I see something in the distance. And no, it's not more wheat fields. It's a house. A small cottage. I gasp in excitement and start limping to the small cottage. Ignoring my legs who scream for me to stop. I keep going, not stopping until I am staring down the door to the cottage.

I walk up the steps to the front door. I breath heavily, half because i just ran half a mile and half from nerves.

"Hello? Is anyone home?"

I yell, hoping that if anyone is inside they can hear me. I knock but get back no response.

I check the doorknob. My fingers grasp the cold, metal knob and i turn it with a creak. I push the wooden door cautiously and carefully, just praying that no one is home. "Hello?" I yell a little louder this time. It echoes through the cottage, bouncing off all the walls. I listen for a couple seconds, waiting for a noise or reply but i hear nothing. I walk further in and shut the door behind me. I glare around the cottage. It's tiny, I only see a kitchen and another door. In the kitchen, i see a refrigerator, stove top, a few cupboards and a table with only one chair.

I wait a few seconds until I rush to the small kitchen and open the refrigerator. It is somehow working as I don't remember seeing any electric power lines whilst walking here. There are a load of water bottles, conveniently. About 30 filled to the top. There's nothing else in the fridge, just water. I don't think before I act. I grab a bottle and pour the clear liquid into my mouth. I swish the chilling water around my mouth. I'm moaning at the satisfaction of finally having something to drink after countless hours. I get goosebumps from the icy water, making hairs stand up on every part of my body. And before I know it, I have had four bottles.

I walk around, exploring the small and confined cottage. I open the extra door i saw beside the kitchen. I open it gently, again terrified of what may be on the other side. There's a bed, with plain white bed sheets, and that is the only thing in the room. The room is huge, and the bed is right in the middle, up the back, against the wall. I squint and strain my eyes as the room is pure white. I look at the walls, which have pictures of the same baby in each frame. All the same photo. There must be hundreds of pictures on the walls. The baby is in a cot, sleeping. I look closer and realize something. I recognize that baby. I have seen this photo before. Something about it makes my stomach turn. Then it spikes me. I realize...

It's me.

I gasp and stumble back. Sweat starts dripping down my whole body. My heart picks up a speed. water floods my eyes and black dots fill my vision. I feel dizzy, stumbling instead of walking. The room spins around me. Who lives here? Why do they have these photos? Whoever lives here could be dangerous. I need to leave. Now! I start rushing out of the big room until I hear a distant voice. It's calling my name.


I freeze, stopping in my tracks. I'm terrified. I look around the room and see no source of where it's coming from.

"Lilith, walk towards the bed."

It's a females voice, she sounds old and stern.                                                                                                "What do you want from me?" I yell at the mysterious source.

"Lilith! Don't make me do this."                                                                                                                                She sounds calm, like it's all under control. I am trembling and my mouth is dry. I try to run out of the room but the door shuts in my face. I scream and tears fall from my eyes furiously. I turn around and put my back up against the wall. I see nothing different. Is this a sick joke? A nightmare? Before I can answer myself, the wall touching my back hits against me and pushes be forward. I stumble ahead of me, off-balance. I see the room get smaller and smaller. The walls push in against my fragile body. I try to push them back but they are to strong and i am too weak.

"No! No!" I bang on the walls."Help me! Please! Please don't hurt me! Please!"I let out a groan and a scream.

"Look under the bed, Lilith."

I can't fight anymore, I need to do what it says. I take a deep breath and hastily walk towards the bed. It's not as far away as last time because the room is a lot smaller now. I close my eyes and sink down to my knees, powerless. I face the direction i am sure the bed is in. I open my eyes and see this... thing crawling demonically towards me. I didn't think something could be so fast. I don't see anything else but its eyes. The eyes... they were piercing red. They were the same size as a humans,  but way more terrifying. Terrifying enough to keep you awake at night. I have no time to move back. The creature grabs my wrist and drags me under the bed. I try to grab onto the bottom side frame of the bed... but it's too strong. My fingers start aching. The cold, hard metal digs into my fingers, probably leaving shallow cuts. Back spots start to fill my vision. This is it. I am going to die. I am then forced to let go as i am dragged under. The last thing I heard was my own scream.

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