Introducing... Your Doom! part 1 (Z-fighters vs heartless)

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Cell's pov:
"Ready, Vegeta?", I asked and the saiyan prince smirked, "I thought you'd never ask, my friend.", he said then we landed and destroyed two dark balls, getting the attention of the other heartless.

"What's the matter? Haven't you hideous creatures seen true warriors before?!", Vegeta yelled. The dark beings roared and attacked us. We threw kicks and punches at them, and they were destroyed easily, "Pathetic. From the way Noa described them, I was expecting more of a challenge. Heh, I didn't even have to use my super saiyan form and yet they're as weak as house flies. How embarrassing.", he said and I smirked at his comment. "Indeed. Even the gargoyle knights were so easy to notice. Looks like that Exe guy has a lame taste of art.", I said, then we looked at each other then burst into laughter. After that, I received reports from the others:

"Yo, Cell! We're clear in the south. On our way to you. Goku, over."

"Piccolo and I are done from the heartless here. We're heading your way."

"Hey, Cell. The city's center was crowded with those creatures. But Tien and I handled them. We'll meet with you and the others very soon."

Okay. So far, so good. Missions were confirmed success by Goku, Yamcha and Gohan. But now I'm worried about Trunks and Noa, and Vegeta noticed it. They were the only ones who didn't report to me. As we were about to fly west, a telepathic contact was made with me, "Cell.", good grief, it's Trunks. I let out a big sigh of relief, "It's Trunks, Vegeta. They're okay.", I said with a smile. Vegeta just started yelling: "These careless boys! They've got us worried sick about them!"

I sweat dropped from his reaction, but I held myself from falling out of surprise; because I knew this act was out of his pride. Then, I contacted telepathically with Trunks:
"Trunks. Are you two okay?"

"Yeah. Sorry for the wait up, but some of the heartless were really tricky. Anyway, we're on our way."

"Roger that. Be careful, you two."

Trunks' pov:
I ended the contact with Cell, then looked at Noa who was flying next to me. "He sounded really worried about us.", I said and my friend just smiled while looking down.

"By the way, why didn't you tell him that you're-?"

"There's no need now. When the right time comes, I'll tell him. I'll tell everyone."

"Whatever you say.", I said then suddenly, I felt a strong dark energy coming from the north. "Oh, no. Could it be him?!", I said in shock. "No. He's not appearing yet, but he's going to summon it.", he said and my eyes widened at the thought of it.

"Then, we need to hurry!", I said. Noa looked up and smirked, "You read my mind, Trunks. Let's roll!", he said, then we both increased our speed to get to Cell and my father in time. I just hope the others are there too.

Cell's pov:
Everyone were gathered at the agreed point. Actually, everyone except Noa and Trunks, now that got Vegeta really mad at his son, "Where have these two gone to?! Weren't they the ones who got us doing this?! What takes them so long?!"

Okay, if he wasn't right, I could've punched him right now. Suddenly, I felt a strong energy coming from underneath us. I bet Piccolo felt the same as we both looked in the same direction. At that moment, an earthquake occurred and a huge heartless came from underground. Noa and Trunks arrived at the same moment the heartless appeared. "About damn time you two came! What is this thing?!", Vegeta yelled. Seriously, if this was not a dangerous situation, I could've beat him to near death!

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