Chapter 57: Dying

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Blood oozed it's way down the walls like a scene from hell. My head burned from anxiety and shock.

Edward is gone.

Myra, where is Myra? I didn't know what was happening exactly, I just knew I had to find her, no matter what it took I had to. The school seemed foreign to me and I forgot where I was or where I was going, one leg seemed to move and the other followed.

I didn't hear anything, I don't know if it was actually silent or if my ears refused to hear anything besides the ringing in my head, as if they were alarms screaming at me to get out of there.
"Myra!" I screamed tripping down the stairs, "Myra!" my voice croaked.

Soon echoing sounds bursted my eardrums, the sound of heavy footsteps which seemed to be nearly feet away from me. The men in black rounded the corner, guns held high, faces masked, uniforms as black as a raven. I think I scream but the only thing I hear is their boots beating the ground like a war drum. Two men grip my arms, soon my trans breaks and I find myself screaming, screaming everyone's name I know.

No one comes. I'm left alone with the men in all black. They drag me out, up, and out again. Soon I find myself on the roof of the building, the crowds seem to go on for miles and miles. Their screams fill my ears one more time until I'm dragged into a helicopter. A small prick on my neck sends my world spinning into space. And then, I'm gone.


Four's POV

They took her. I feel my body shake. I feel my heart ache. It aches for her. What have I done? Why did I leave her?

The last words we exchanged ring in my ears,

"I love you," she says.

"I love you too," I say, "I'll see you soon."

That was two days ago. The Chicago streets have settled. School has been canceled for the rest of the year, despite there only being two weeks left that still means exams are canceled. But I don't care about school. Hell I don't even care about my grades right now. I care about Tris. I need Tris.

The aching in my heart has kept me up the past two nights and I know everyone else feels it because dark circles form around all of our eyes, worry lines start to form on Amar's face as he tries everything to find her. He even asked Evelyn for help, but to no avail. She only told us it was to late, and that Tris would already be dead, and Jeanine would have all the information she needed.

That's when I told her she was no longer my mother. (A/N right as I was writing this my mom looks over my shoulder reads the sentence out loud and goes, "Wow, nice.") I told her if she ever walked into my life again I would kill her with my own hands, that I hated her with everything in me. It was also the first time I spoke in two days. My voice has been quiet but my mind has been screaming. Screaming everything she ever said to me, everything good and bad and I couldn't help but cry.

'She's dead! Alright!? Dead! Jeanine has all the information she needs no thanks to you! Do you know what Jeanine will do!?' Evelyn's words echo in my head making me gasp and fall deeper into my bed. I've laid in my bed for hours, yet I still haven't had a minute of rest, the stress consumes me and eats at me like a starved dog.

"Four," I hear the words but I don't feel them, I don't feel them like you normally do when you hear your name, my head doesn't tilt in her direction and I have no interest in what she's about to say.
"Four please wake up," I hear Victoria's voice plead.
"I'm not asleep," my voice didn't sound like my own, it sounded like it should've come from an old man who hasn't drank in days.

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