Chapter 53: I Ran

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"FOUR!" I scream and immediately regret it. Edgar and his men turn around and leap to the edge of the building while I do the same. That's when I see the garbage shoot Four fell down.
"No!" Edgar shouts and grabs my arm.

I take a deep breathe and whip around swinging my arm for Edgar's nose. He yells out in pain falling to the floor and without a second thought I jump down the shoot.

I let out a scream as I slide down the large yellow tube. My arms flail upward and my butt hurts from the rough tube. Soon I land on plastic cushions. I move around to find I've fallen into a dark garbage bin.

Four's POV

Once I climb out of the garbage bin I look up to see a silhouette falling down the shoot like a bullet. The top of the garbage bins jump up at the impact. I swing them open and pull Tris out before she realizes what's going on.

"C'mon!" I say grabbing her hand and pulling her away from the building. A bullet grazes the pipe next to us as Edgar orders open fire at us. I drag her through the parking lot as people run and fire making it seem like a hurricane of bullets wising around us. It's a war zone out here. My head turns towards the giant building a couple blocks down, DMS, Divergent Middle School. I wonder if CeCe and Victoria are safe.

Right as I realize I'm standing in the middle of an open fire I'm pushed to the ground and pulled next to a car.
"Four!" Tris yells at me, "What the hell was that!?" Right as she says that she pulls out a gun and fires over the red car.

"Sorry," I say and jump up sprinting to my motorcycle with her on my heels. I slide on and she stops.
"Wait!" She says, "What about our friends?"
"Don't worry they'll be fine," I say praying that my words are true.

She hesitates for a moment but slides on behind me. Grabbing the helmets strapped to the back, I start the motorcycle and zoom out. Bullets fly as we race through a cloud of bullets. I wasn't focused on the world around me, I was only focused on getting Tris out of here, even if that meant my life.

That's when I remember something very important, instead of going left towards home I go right, towards DMS. Tris squeezes my torso as if asking why we weren't going home. Once the trees clear up and we see DMS she stops.

I pull the brakes and glide to a stop. With my helmet on its hard to see but I can tell that nothing is out of the ordinary. They must've heard of the attack and had a lock down. I feel a weight on my shoulders lift.

The weight resettles when I hear engines roaring. Looking back I see three cars zooming down after us.
"GO!" Tris screams. As if instinct I drive off in mere seconds. Soon my jacket is flying backwards as we're going close to 70 while I pray we don't crash knowing we wouldn't make it through an accident like that.

Not daring to glance back knowing I'll loose my balance I keep going and going. Soon I zoom out of the district and slow down to 50, then 30. I glance back and see that we lost them.

"Where are we going?" Tris shouts but her voice is quickly drowned away. I act as if I didn't hear her, knowing she won't like my answer.

Tris POV

I've been holding onto Four so tightly that my arms actually start to hurt. I didn't realize I was flexing them as hard as I could until they ached.

I watch as we go on forever. The sun which used to be above our heads is now so far behind us I can barely see its rays. I tuck my head into Four's shoulder for the millionth time.

The whole time I've watched the city disintegrate  behind us I wondered what has happened to our friends? Questions buzz through my head thinking the best and the worst. Some thoughts form a lump in my throat thinking about the harm that could have come to them, while others make me feel stupid for worrying. How many bad things have to happen before we can be safe?

Suddenly I feel the motorcycle slowing down in a small district that I don't recognize, we must've at least gone 300 miles if we were going 50 miles an hour for most of the time and we've been going for almost six hours besides stopping for gas which I always attempted asking Four where we were going but he would purse his lips and say nothing.

Finally Four stops and turns to me as if to say something but instead just sets his helmet down on the seat and slides mine off for me and rests it next to his. He glances towards the small outdoor mall that we're at.
"Four," I whisper, "please tell me what's going on," I plead. He clenches his jaw and looks anywhere but my eyes.
"The man who's been following you... us, Amar figured it out, just figured it out, he told me just in time before the alarm went off," Four sighs as if the memory pained him.

"So? What about him, Four this involves me you have to tell me this!" I was starting to get agitated that he thought he could keep something like this from me and expect me to follow him anywhere without a say.
"Listen, once we get to the hotel I'll explain everything, I promise but you just have to trust me on this one ok?" this time it's Four pleading and I now he'll do anything for me to agree at this point and I know that pushing it out of him will only make it harder to cope with what we're dealing with right now.

"I trust you, and that's the only reason I'm agreeing to this," I sigh glaring up at him. He relaxes a bit but still has the hard expression and a slight amount of fear in his eyes.
"Follow me," Four says walking towards the salon that must close at 8:00. He swiftly walks causing me to jog to catch up with him and wonder what the hell we're doing at a hair salon when we should either be running from a homicidal gang or straight towards them to find our friends and family.

Four walks in and places three hundred dollars on the shiny counter. The hairdresser who was covered in hello kitty tattoos and stringy pink hair raises both eyebrows, "What do you need?" she spoke with a thick New Jersey accent.

"I would like to dye my hair blond and she would like silver please," he spoke it nonchalantly while resting an elbow on the counter.
"This way," she rolls her eyes leading us to the back of the salon.
"Four," I hiss while yanking on his jacket so he'll face me, "I agreed to trust you, not to turn into an old lady!"

He sighs and rubs his eyes like this is the most stressful conversation in the world, "First off we can't look even remotely the same, second off, you won't look like an old lady, plenty of teens have silver hair."

Before I could object I was dragged into a chair by the Hello Kitty Lady and she started to dye my hair while my jaw dropped to the floor that this was actually happening. Once everything started to process I glared at Four through the lit up mirror. He just sighed for the a millionth time today and grabbed some scissors from a desk, "Can I borrows these?" he holds up the sharp silver scissors. The lady mumble a small yes and he took out his phone.
"Four what are you..." a crack interrupts me and the lady just stares with a tired expression shaking her head she goes back to my hair.

"Tris give me your phone," he holds out his hand while the other hand holds his now shattered IPhone.
"NO!" I squeal starring at his phone, "I am not letting you destroy my phone!"
"Listen, these phone's have a GPS on them, the Factionless will track us if they haven't already and all of this running will be for nothing," he says taking my coat off of the chair and pulling out my phone.
"No I have way to much black mail on that phone for it to be destroyed," I leap out of the chair and Hello Kitty starts yelling at me but I just jump on Four's back while he holds out my phone far enough so I can't reach it.

Then he sets it on the counter and with a pleading scream from me the phone is shattered by the scissors.
"Wait?" he turns to me with his eyebrows knit together, "you had blackmail on me?" his eyebrows suddenly raise and I smirk.
"Oh yeah! I had blackmail on everybody!" I plumb back on the cushiony seat while crossing my arms. Hello Kitty mumbles something about seeing stranger things at this salon and I just stare at my own transforming reflection in the mirror.


It's 11:00.

We've been driving east for another hour.

Our appearances have changed completely.

We are now running for our lives.

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