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I push open the metal school doors, as the wind whoosh my hair to the side of my face.

"It had to be windy, huh" I say more to myself. I feel as like I'm not alone. I mean duh the voice. But I felt as someone or something was watching me. I walk to the parking lot thinking that I'm just being paranoid.

"No. Your right." I heard a voice. It's just the voice. But Derick's voice wouldn't echo in the distance. I turn around, slightly, afraid of what I'll see.
I turn around completely, and what I see... I'm speechless. "I'm here, Anna."

"I-I-" I choked.

"Thought I was dead." He smiles. He continues. "I am dead. But I'm alive. If that makes sense. Come, let's take a walk. And let me explain."

"D-Derick... This is a dream." I mumbled as he walks up to me. Before he died he had soft brown eyes now they're bloodshot red. His hair is the same, dirty blonde, rich boy style. But he was much much more paler.

He holds his hand out. I hesitate for a moment. But then I take his hand. It was surprisingly warm, knowing that he was dead, but alive.

We walk in the woods. Together. I felt as if this was the last time for some reason gonna see him.

We've found a good spot to sit at.

"Tell me everything." I say about to spill the tears that's been welling in my eyes.

He looks at me hesitation in his eyes. He takes my hand into his and tries to look me in the eye.

I see a vision. In his view.

I'm walking in the woods... Alone. But I felt the presence of someone close to me. I turn in every direction, feeling scared. That's when someone lunged on top of me, and bit me in the neck. I scream. The pain. The burning.

That's when some people​ popped out of nowhere. No it was my mom and dad. Lisa and Andrew was there too. Mom and Dad took care of the guy that bit me. I never knew they knew martial arts. But anyways, Lisa and Andrew carried me to the house. Lisa was smiling. Then she looked at me and said, "Welcome to the family"

Of course I was confused about what just happened. And they feeled me in, on the insiders-

The vision stops there.

"What was the insiders?" I asked immediately. He took his hand and pushed in some strands of my brunette color hair.

"Anna. Im afraid. That you... I'm sorry" he gets up and disappear in the darkness.

A/N: Did yah expect that. Now that Anna knows that Derick is something. What is she gonna do?
Don't for get to


Bye Bye Lovies 😎😘😇😘😍😎

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