Chapter Two

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More Than That
Chapter Two
Brennan's pov

  "Hey guys, so right now we are headed to the airport to pick up Harvey. Who's Harvey you ask? He's a student from London and he's going to a local college. He needs a place to stay, so he's going to stay with us!" I hear Katie explain to the camera.


  "Are you Harvey?" My dad asks a guy who looks like he could qualify for Harvey.
  "Are you the Donnelleys?" He asks.
  "We sure are!" Mom exclaims and wraps Harvey in a hug.
  "I'm Jill, this is Mike, Brennan, Katie, and Ryan." Mom explains while pointing to each of us.
  "Nice to meet you all!" Harvey smiles. He has a very strong British accent.
"How was your flight?" Dad asks.
  "Pretty good. It was long though." Harvey says.
  "I bet. How many hours?" Mom asks.
  "Eight." Harvey explains.
  "Not as bad as Singapore." I point out.
  "You guys have been to Singapore?" Harvey asks.
  "Yeah, we went for one of Katie's meets last year." I explain.
  "Oh, so Katie is a gymnast?" Harvey asks.
  "Yup." Katie smiles.
  "That's pretty cool." Harvey says.

  We talk small talk until we have walked all the way to the car. I have learned that Harvey plays water polo too, he has a younger sister about my age and he said he would show me a picture of her in the car, he has two dogs and a cat at home, his favorite food is spaghetti, he loves swimming, he hates running, and lots of other random stuff about him.

  We have also explained to him that we are vloggers, and he seems pretty chill with it. After we get all settled in the car, Harvey and Ryan sit in the back with Katie and I in the middle and mom and dad in the front.

"Do you wanna see some pictures of my family?" Harvey asks.
"Sure, whatever floats your boat." Ryan laughs.

First Harvey shows us a picture of his dogs, Charles and Macks. Then his cat, Libby. Next he shows us a family picture with his mom and dad, and his sister. She is beautiful to be honest. She has long, wavy, blonde hair and the prettiest blue eyes.

"Whoa, your sister is really pretty." Katie comments.
"Ha, you should see her double-chin selfies!" Harvey jokes.

When we get to the house, Harvey gets settled in the guest room downstairs while Mom makes spaghetti. Harvey says it's one of the best he's ever had, but I think he was just being nice.

Weeks Later

It's really nice having Harvey around, he's like an older brother to me. He treats Katie, Ryan and I like younger siblings, too.
"Brennan, would you mind going to go get the mail?" Mom calls from the living room.
"Okay" I say.

I walk down the driveway to the mailbox and grab the mail. There's lots of bills, a letter for Katie, a magazine, and a letter for Harvey.

"To Harvey Brigham from Rosie Brigham" The letter says. Ohhh, this must be from Harvey's sister! Should I open it? No, this is for Harvey. Ugh... but it's so tempting! Before my mind can think, I've ripped open the letter.

Dear Harvey,

   This is Rosie, your favorite sister by far. (And your only sister) I hope you are getting along well in America, and I hope you are all settled with your new fam. Life here is boring without you, we all miss you. Guess what? I got a 98% on my maths test, fractions, the one you tried to explain to me but just made me more confused. Year 10 isn't as bad as you said it would be, so thanks for that. :)
  When you get this, text me if you can. If you forgot my number for some reason, it's (blah blah blah) I love you Harvey, don't forget it.

                                                        Rosie <3

  I can't believe I just read that. Harvey and Rosie must have a really strong bond, and I just butted into it like I had known them all my life.

  I wrote Rosie's number down because of course I wanted to talk to her, and then I did my best to cover up the fact that I had opened the letter. Then I put it on Harvey's bed so that he would see it when he got home. I hope he doesn't notice I opened it...

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