Chapter One

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More Than That
Chapter One
Rosie's pov

"I'll miss you, Harvs." I gave my eldest brother the biggest hug, as he was going off to college in America. Maryland, to be exact.
"I'll text you everyday. And we will not loose our Snapchat streak." Harvey says as he looks me in the eyes.
"Yes sir." I salute to him jokingly as he gives me one final smile before he goes out the door.
"Bye, I'll miss you all." Are the final words he says as he closes the door.
Mum is in tears, Dad is on the verge of crying, and I was just staring at the door, tears streaming down my cheeks.
It won't be the same without Harvey. He was the light in our house, he always made us smile with his stupid jokes and dry humor. However, I'm glad that he will be sharing his humor with some other family, even though I wish he could just stay with us.

Weeks Later

  I head up to my room to plug in my headphones and watch Stranger Things to get my mind off of Harvey leaving. I've watched this episode three times, but it never gets old.
  "Rosie, can you please get up so I can clean your sheets?" Mom asks.
  "Sure, I'll be in Harvey's room if you need me" I say.

  I walk down the hall to Harvey's room, and I plop down on his bed. I go on my phone and look at Instagram, nothing new there. After a while, I notice something scratchy under my head. I turn to look at it and I see a piece of paper.
  "If you ever want to write to me, the address is
7283 Lincoln Way, Some Place in Marylan (a.n. idrk their address ooooopppss)

  I decide to write to Harvey because why not. I can't text him at this point anyway because his phone isn't set up to work in America yet.

Dear Harvey,

   This is Rosie, your favorite sister. (And your only sister) I hope you are getting along well in America, and I hope you are all settled with your new fam. Life here is boring without you, we all miss you. Guess what? I got a 98% on my maths test, fractions, the one you tried to explain to me but just made me more confused. Year 10 isn't as bad as you said it would be, so thanks for that. :)
  When you get this, text me if you can. If you forgot my number for some reason, it's (blah blah blah) I love you Harvey, don't forget it.

                                                        Rosie <3

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