Chapter 1 Chains

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Caution some parts may be a trigger for certain people.
The floor is damp and cold in my cell. The bars are old and rusted. The walls have dried blood on them. I breathe in the stale air then wince when I feel the pain of my broken ribs.

The door rattles and I whimper please no more, I curl up in a ball. The man opens the cell next to mine and dumps my friend Vicky in. She looks awful and there are bruises around her neck.

The guy looks at me, "You just wait till your birthday alpha says I can have a go at you first." Well he is going to be disappointed because he is not the only one Alpha promised to have a 'go' at me first.

I shudder my birthday is in two weeks. I'm dreading the day I get raped by all the men that the Alpha promised can have me.

He exits the room I scoot over to Vicky's cell. She is crying softly, Vicky is eighteen and my only friend here. She is raped daily now since the other girl is gone. We don't know what happened to her they came and took her one day and she never came back. We kinda hoped she escaped but we knew it was a long shot no one leaves here alive.

The room is made of five cells but there is only two of us now. There is a table in the middle where a guard sits. Unfortunately it's D, I don't know what his real name is but everyone calls him D. Well everyone I mean the other guard Sam. Sam usually has the night shift and just sleeps. D on the other hand likes to torment us, and he hates noise and I saw what he did to the last girl who made noise. The rules are simple don't talk, don't cough, don't sneeze, and especially don't let him hear you crying. I reach out to Vicky through the bars trying to comfort her.

He gets a message from the alpha that's the only person that ever links him. I know he is talking telepathically but I can't listen to the conversation because my wolf is not strong enough. I can not communicate with my wolf like other wolves can, and I don't have her powers other than fast healing which goes well since the Alpha likes to come down here and take his anger out on me.

D unlocks our cages, "Alpha says to clean the house important guests are coming."

I stand up on shakey legs, and follow Vickey up the stairs. We get upstairs, no one is around because its too early in the morning. It's time like these when I wish to run, but where would I go I can't remember anything before this place. I remember waking up when I was 12 and being in a cage. I remember when I first tried to run and I remember that was the first and worst beating of my life never ran again why would I? I had no where to go and the Alpha would surely find me.

I turn to Vicky, "Go wash up and then go to sleep on the couch I will wake you when its time to go in the pen." She gives me a grateful smile and limps to the bathroom. We are not supposed to do anything but clean but I can not allow Vicky to suffer I love her like a sister and she has always taken care of me and gave me tips on how to deal with the pain.


"Wake up," I shake her shoulder. She groans softly.

"Please no more, I'm sorry, please," she starts to sob. I shake her harder.

"Shhh, its me Mia its time to go," I say softly. She opens her eyes and nods. I hand her a plastic cup filled with a chemical that will kill any baby growing inside her. We stole this from the Luna she is the third Luna and youngest of the two Luna's before her. She does not want to mess up her body anymore to have children.

Vicky and I both know that if you end up pregnant they would cut the baby out of you, no hospital no nothing and most die of pain or infection. Lucky for me I saw the Luna make this drink and I know I will need it when my birthday comes.

We walk back into our cell the only thing harder than the back breaking work is when that is done and you have to go back to the pen. We call it the pen because that is what it is. It was used to contain feral wolves but that doesn't happen any more.

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