Chapter 17- Threats

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Shane's POV

I flip the omlet over like a pro and laugh when Scar tries and it hits the floor.

"That ones yours." She gives me a death glare but picks it up and throws it in the trash. I can't wait for Mia to wake up. We are gonna feed her my gourmet breakfast and then discuss how she feels about us marking her.

A door bursts open with a loud bang I turn already half shifting.

"Mia's gone, she hasn't been in her room all night and-," Cas rushes out but I interrupt her before she can finish. "It's fine Mia came back with us last night." Just thinking about last night has me grinning like a fool.

"You are lucky she's forgiving, because I wouldn't have taken you fuckers back."

"What colorful language you have, little sister. How old are you again, 14?" I chuckle but quickly cover it with my hand. She hates it when I treat her like a baby. And sure enough she slaps me on my arm and I wince like it hurt. "Ouch sissie gave me a booboo."

"You are so fucking annoying, do you know that? You know damn well I'm 24, which is a grown up." She can keep telling us that but she will always be little Cassie to me.

Scar ignores the whole exchange not really close with Cas ever since she came back. I sigh, it's gonna take alot of work but I'm going to get this family back together again, with some new additions of course.

I hear a shuffle on the stairs and I turn to see my angel rubbing her eyes still half asleep. She walks up to me, "Where were you? I got scared when I woke up and you and Scar weren't there." Shit, I didnt think how she would feel waking up by herself after last night.

"I'm sorry baby, we made you breakfast and we were going to bring it to bed but Cas distracted us." I lean down for a kiss and smile happily when she stands up on her tippy toes to meet me half way. Scar comes over and hugs her from behind.

"Are you okay, Mia? They didn't force you to be here did they?" I growl at Cas she should know that we would never force Mia to do anything. Why is she still here?

Mia tries to pull away from Scar but Scar was having none of that tightning her grip around Mia's waist. "Th-they didn't f-force me," Mia stutters scared and I give Cas a look so she can quit it with her tone. Mia is finally getting better with her speech since she is more comfortable around us and I dont need Cas ruining that. "A-are you mad at m-me?" I look down at Mia who has her gaze to the floor.

"Why would I be mad at you Mia? It's these filthy scumbags that I'm angry with," Cas says angrily. Goddamn, How many times must I appologize till Cas relizes that I'm sincerly sorry. Cas is acting like she's our mate.

"I-I just thought th-that you would be m-mad that I didn't say n-no like you said, " Mia said her voice getting lower and lower, that if it wasn't for my good hearing I wouldn't have heard it.

"No, I'm not mad as long as your happy and they are not making you do something you don't want." She tries to give Mia a hug but since Scar wasn't letting go it was like a wierd half hug.

"Come Mia lets eat I don't want your food to get cold," I say grabing her hand leading her to the table. She sits down at the table and I fill her plate. Cas leaves with some excuse she has to do something, good. I want Mia all to ourselves.

I watch her take little bites barely eating her food before she pushes her plate away. She doesn't eat enough and she is unusually thin for a werewolf not that I don't love her body, I could careless if she was fat, thin, or bony. I open my mouth to ask if she didnt like my food when the door slams opens.

"Alpha!," a man comes rushing in.

I growl slamming my hand onto the table, "Do you know how to knock?" Goddamn it everyone bargin in here. I am trying to have quiet bonding time with my mate.

He quickly scurries out then knocks. "Come in," I sigh, hoping after this we will get some peace and quiet.

He comes up to me and looks at Mia hesitates then says, "There is a dire situation at the west border, near the facility." Ugh. Did a prisoner try to run? Scar and I stand.

"Mia we will be right back. I'll mind link Cas and she will come stay with you or would you rather be alone?"

She shakes her head. "Alone," she mumbles looking at the ground. I hate to leave her upset but I have to take care of this I kiss her forehead and Scar kisses her hand.

"I love you," I say but she just nods. I turn away so I can hurry to deal with this problem so I can come back to Mia.

Mia's POV

How can they just leave me like that? She left me this morning and she said sorry but now I think she doesn't mean it because she's leaving again.

I push around my food with my fork my belly still tight, I'm not used to this much food they only used to give me scraps in the pen. I finally get up from the table, I don't want to dump my food it would be such a waste. I get paper towels and cover it and place it in the refrigerator.

I walk around the pack house but weirdly I see no people. I look out the window and the sky is fading, I get anxious, what is taking them so long? I head outside trying to find them. My scense of smell is not as heightened as theirs but since I heard the man say west border I head where I think is west.

No one pays any attension to me as I walk toward where I think Scar and Shane were. My small frame goes unnoticed when I head toward a group of what looks like warriors. Scar and Shanes scent are stronger here and another scent that is familiar but I can't place it.

When I see a break through the group to see what they are standing over roaring fills my ears and I stumble backwards. Swaying lightly unsteady on my feet. My hearbeat picks up.

Fear suffocated me and I gasped for breath, even as I wished it would kill me so I didn't have to live with this pain.

God who is making that god awful racket? I can't even think but then I relize its me, I'm screaming because I relized the scent that smelled so familiar to me was death.

A dead girls body laid out naked and in peices with her throat ripped out by what looked like sharp teeth. And written with her blood was

We want the girl

My knees buckle underneath me. It's my Alpha, I knew he would never let me be free. My chest starts to heave, I can't breathe. Strong arms suddenly wrap around me and I struggle trying to pull away but then a familiar scent wraps around me saying words that I couldn't hear over the pounding of blood in my ears.

My Alpha knows where I am and he wants me back. With that thought the world goes black.

If you see any mistakes please let me know.


District Queen

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