chapter 12 Shane!

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Scar's POV

I follow Mia's scent to the old green house.

She is huddled up in a corner crying, my wolf whimpers. I walk towards her and she curls up into a tighter ball. I sigh and sit down next to her. Making sure i don't touch her, so I won't scare her any farther.

Mia's POV

I am beginning to regret running out of the house barefoot in the snow and only wearing Scars sweat shirt and the thin nightie from before which is becoming more and more impractical. I shiver.

I am grateful when Scar maintains her distance. She does not try to embrace me or move any closer; not even under the pretense of keeping me warm. She seems to be able to sense my anxiety. When she sits beside me for over a full minute without trying to touch me or even talk to me, I begin to relax. I stop holding my breath, and I feel the erratic pounding of my heart slowly ease. I reach down and pull her sweat shirt down so it can cover more of me.

"Can I at least try to warm your hands?" she asks me. "I'm worried."

"Yes," I tell her softly, "but I think my toes are the real problem. They feel like they're going to fall off."

I feel Scar slide her sweatshirt over my ankles to study my feet. "Mia... okay. This is going to sound awful, but you need to listen to me." She speaks in a brisk and commanding tone that I have heard Shane use before. "Put your feet in my lap."

"In your lap?" I say awkwardly.

"Yes. Unless you want to risk losing your toes."

She is probably exaggerating, but the cold is so agonizing that I am beginning to grow desperate for any warmth. I try to flex my toes, and wince, because even that tiny bit of motion hurts like a bitch.

"It's damn cold out here. And I won't let you get severe frostbite," she tells me firmly, "because I'll drag you kicking and screaming back into that house before any permanent damage is done. However, if you don't follow my instructions right away, you'll probably develop blisters and swelling so painful that you can't walk for days."

I make a face, for this sounds almost as unpleasant as my feet already feel.

"How do you know so much about, you know....this." I say as I point at my feet.

Scar hesitates long enough for me to look up at her. She sighs.

"Um.... I was there when my mom died, I watched her bleed to death. I watched as she choked on her own blood and I was able to do nothing but hold her and watched as she died in my arms. Ever since then I have learned healing of all sorts. Some things I have learned from the pack doctors here some from when I traveled." I feel wetness on my feet and i realize she is crying. I never thought my big tough warrior would ever cry in front of me.

"People said i went and raged and killed every witch i encountered but they're wrong. I was 13 when my mother died. I didn't understand why anyone would want to take my mother from me. I wanted her killer dead I wanted justice for her death. It started out light I contacted the witches coven about the punishment being made about one of their own killing my mother in cold blood. And they didn't care they said its one less filthy scum off the planet."

"Scum," she scoffs. "My mother the sweetest lady I ever met who would take in homeless humans feed them, clothe them, and get them a job. Help them get on their feet. Our house was never empty. And when that coven wasn't doing any thing about the murderer in their mist I started talking to other covens get them to do something about the obvious violation of supernatural law. But it was pointless witches don't associate with wolves and if I were to go on coven land with out permission it would mean death for me. When my dad died a year later I was furious they didn't just take one parent they took both and now I'm an orphan. That's when I planned on going witch hunting all of the witches who wouldn't help me would pay. I was angry and sad, when I turned sixteen I left." She sniffs and wipes her eyes with her sleeve."I don't want to talk about anymore of it, I can't stand the thought of you hating me."

Hate her? I could never. I tackle her in a hug. And she embraces me. I pull away from her hug and I look into her eyes. The only light is from the moon showing through the glass ceiling. "I could never hate you," I said.

"You wouldn't say that if you knew what I have done." She says.

"I don't care about what you did in your past." just before her lips came down on mine.

"What did I do to deserve you, Mia, my angel."

I give her a quick kiss and when she tries to deepen the kiss I stop her. " About Shane..." I trail off scared she will still say no.

She let's put a big sigh, "The witch can come, but only if you promised to stay in the room until its done."

"Yes," I jump up down eager to see Shane. Deep down I believe its my fault Shane is hurt. Scar gets up too and laughs at my excitement. She kisses me again and it's like sparks.

She puts her forehead on mine, "I'm serious, stay in the room." I nod my head. She pulls away from me a little so I could see the worry in her eyes."If anything happens to you, I don't know what I'll do."

I give her a quick peck, " I will be fine, but promise me as soon as the brujo is done you will call me down." She nods okay and I grab her hands pulling her to the house, I am still freezing but the knowledge that I will be under a warm comforter soon has my toes curling.

I shiver when we get outside and scar pressed me against her trying to keep me warm.

We walk into the room and people turn to look at us one guy stared a little too long and Scar growled loudly. I run upstairs to take a hot shower.

Scar's POV

I enter the hospital wing, and see Jayson's face, I wince it looks really bad. I walk over to him I offer him my hand asking for his forgiveness. He shakes my hand and slaps my back letting me know I am forgiven. Jayson and Shane are the only ones who understand me with out me having to utter a word.

He leads me to a short man, with dark hair, brown eyes, and plain clothes, not at all the monster witch I imagined but I know monsters can come in different forms. He looks at me and extends his hands I don't offer my hand in return.

After a litlle bit he puts his hand down, "my name is-," I put my hand up to shut him up I don't give a fuck about what his name is. Mia didn't say I have to be nice.

Jayson sees I don't want to talk so he steers the witch to Shane's hospital room with me trailing behind.

Once the witch is in the room he starts to walk toward Shane's hospital bed, I put my hand on his chest, "She dies, you die," I stare at him unwaveringly. He gulps and the stank smell of fear rolls off him in waves, making my wolf want to come out and play. He stands by Shane's hospital bed and starts rubbing his hands together his palms seem to glow a dark red then when he blows on his hands it turns a bright white.

So bright it hurt my eyes to look at it. The witch places his palms on the sides of Shane's face. Shane began to twitch and jerk. I lunge forward to stop the witch from killing Shane.

Shane's POV

Blinding pain shot through my skull, robbing me of my breath and my voice. I pressed my hands to my head as explosions of light went off behind my eyes and waves of agonizing pain rippled through me. A whimper escaped my lips, and I doubled over as hammers pounded my skull mercilessly. I prayed for death because if I had to endure this much longer, I would go insane.

A new voice broke through the haze of pain around me. It was warm and rich, yet commanding. "Let me help her, warrior, if you want her to live."

I tensed when a cool hand touched my forehead and then gasped as the stabbing pain rapidly drained away.

It took me a minute to open my eyes, and when my eyes got adjusted I see Scar whispering to Jayson about something and a strange man whom I've never seen before standing by my bed. The only person that missing is-,"

"Shane!" I hear a high pitch squeal and turn to face the sound I suck in a breath. My dreams did little justice to my beautiful mate.

"Mia," I put all my longing into that one word. She runs forward and hops on the bed and into my arms.

"Your okay, I was so worried." She says as she buries her face in my neck, her scent surrounds me, instantly calming my wolf and I.

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