chapter 14 Interrupted

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Shane's POV

We run back the way we came and Jason was waiting for us. "This better be fucking important, do you have any idea what you interrupted?" I snap. His nostrils flares and he grins smelling Mia's scent. I growl a warning.

"The Itan (bear version of alpha) called it seems some hyenas stole his cub. He's asking for us to come help him raid their den and get his cub back." If I agree I might be able to make an alliance with them. Our ancestors had started a feud with them a while back its okay now but there is still some tension between us. Maybe this will help us settle for peace. And I wouldn't mind killing some hyena shifters on the way.

"Its a code yellow, just in case this is a trap, everyone to the pack house no one comes in and no one goes out." I turn to Mia, "stay in our room Jason's mate will be with you and don't answer the door for no one but Sharon, the cook. We will be back as soon as we can." I kiss her forehead and Scar does the same.

When I see her frown and her gaze drops to the floor I lean down and whisper in her ear, "Don't worry love we will have a chance to finish what we started earlier." I feel her shiver and I pull away before I say the hell with the bears and throw her over my shoulder and take her upstairs and fuck her for hours.

Mia's POV

"So what's your favorite food?" Shelly asked the thousandth question today.

"Waffles," I say still continuing drawing.

"When's your birthday?"

"November 19," I say still looking down at my almost finished picture.

"Oh my gosh!" She squeals loudly,"Your birthday is in two days," I froze, I didn't mean to tell her that I was just half listening to her.

I looked up at Shelly jumping on the bed, I start to shake my head and tell her not to say anything when she grabs my hand.

"Oh my gosh we have to throw a party!!"

"Shh I don't want anyone to know," I whisper yell.

"Want anyone to know what?"

I jerk my head. A woman in her thirties or forties walked up. She had bright red hair and was very short. Even compared to my 5'2 she was like 4'9.

Shelly opened her mouth to say something and I gave her a glare so fierce she closed her mouth shut.

"Nothing," I say a little to sharply.

"Honey, don't be fooled by my question I was giving you the choice of telling me yourself but I already heard what you said. And I suggest you should watch your tone, when speaking to me ok? I am Sharon and Shaney asked me to bring you some food. " Her manner changed from bitchy to sweet, but what got me was

"Shaney?" I asked.

"Oh," she laughs,"I have served Shane since she was a baby and Shaney was what her mother called her." At my look of shock she explains, "I served their mother and her grandma before that. I'm a lot older than I look and I prefer if little girls didn't sass me." My mouth was gaping open.

"Sorry," I muttered. "Will you not tell Shane and Scar about my birthday please?" I ask and fidget nervously.

"Okay, but why don't you want them to know? Not that its any of my business."

"It just you know I'm not ready to you know.... um have s-sex." I stutter and blush a deep red.

"Mmhm," the way she said it made me look at her. Her face looks like she doesn't believe me.

"What? I'm seri–," I try to explain.

"For someone who does not want to have sex you awfully reek of it." If I thought I was red before I must be a tomato now. Oh my god, this is so embarrassing.

She walks away, at the door she turns around and says, "Shane and Scar would never force you, and you know that." She gives me a pointed look and leaves and I look at Shelly who was rocking on her heels awkwardly.

"Well I'm starving," she abruptly states and walks over to the tray Sharon must have left and grabs a grape and pops it in her mouth.

I walk over to the tray and join her.

Scar's POV

I wince blood spilling from my midsection.

'You okay Scar,' Shane asked.

'I'm good the fucker got in a good swipe before I ended him. The poison stings." The poison will slow my healing but not by much.

'I know the bastards can't win a fight without it.' All the good it did I still beat him.Hyenas always dipped their claws in poison before a fight. I look at the dead hyenas around us and sigh.

'Let's go home to our mate, sister.' Shane says.

I couldn't agree more. We say goodbye to the Itan and get in the car. Our pack doing the same we head out. I couldn't be more anxious to get home.

Time skip

I walk quickly to our suite, with Jason and Shane close on my heels.

I open the door to my beautiful mate eating and chatting with Jason's mate Shelly.

I hear something about a party and then Shelly looks up and she squeals loudly.

"Daddy!," she runs up to Jason and jumps into his arms. Jason proceeds to make out with his mate.

He and his mate is into DD/LG, Its not really my thing but I respect it. Jason leaves with his mate quickly for obvious reasons. I'm sure he won't be down for dinner I smirk.

Mia turns around to look at us, she gasps and runs to me her eyes wide, "Your bleeding." I looked down my shirt covered in blood.

I curse myself for my stupidity. "No, I'm fine see." I lift my shirt so she could see my fully healed wound.

"Oh," her voice wavers and she stares at my abs. I smirk and lean down to capture her mouth with mine, but she pulls away. Hurt fills me but I quickly school my expression, she's not ready.

"So what's it I hear about a party?" Shane asks and I go quickly change my shirt.

Sorry for the late update. Enjoy tell me if you see any mistakes.

District Queen

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