Chapter 5 Bitch

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The women look at me with respect and curiosity. I was nervous when we first came in the pack living room but the women each introduced themselves and what they do. On my right Carol is the packs head doctor, she is soft spoken and shy. To my left is Grace she is the packs seamstress she is married to a warrior and is constantly talking about him.

The ladies are just chatting and they ask me questions. A girl, forgot her name, was about to ask me another question when the doors burst open.

A woman with blonde hair so blonde it almost looked white, and boobs that were obviously not natural was stalking towards me, "I expected more from my Alphas fated mate. You're small, and weak I can barely feel your wolf."

I stared at her, my mouth wide open in absolute shock. I'd been told similarly by people before, but she wasn't yelling at me, shouting, blustering, or threatening. She was mocking me, but calmly, evenly, and calculatedly. That, somehow, was so much scarier to me. The fact that she was a wolf and has the full capability to rip me to shreds with her teeth hadn't really settled in until just now, and I was very, very nervous.

"Do you have a problem with me.....?" I ask, fighting to keep the tremble from my voice, leaving a blank because despite what she thinks I don't really know who this bitch is. All the other women have been kind to me so this came as a surprise.

My eyes flicked back-and-forth, trying to find an escape route. Unfortunately for me, she was blocking the one exit effectively. The obviously calculated maneuver did nothing to ease my growing anxiety.

She snorted, "you're absolutely ridiculous. Still trying to run, Luna?" She spits the word out like it's poison. "You won't have to soon, you know." My feeling went from kind of bad to bad-bad.

"Excuse me," I snapped, putting on a bullshit brave face.

"Well, now that I gave a chance to see the real you, the pathetic weakling you are" the devil drawled smugly. "I know it's just a matter of time before Shane and Scar realizes it too," she looked at me with mock pity in his blue eyes, "and they'll drop you like the worthless human you are."

"I-Im n-not a human," I say, looking down cursing myself for being weak in front of her.

"That's enough Mary," Carol says to defend me and I look up at her grateful. It seems the other girls are looking somewhere else, scared to stand up to Mary.

"They won't defend you, you know. They would not dare to cross their true Luna. You should take a lesson from them. They know their Alphas would choose to be with me over you any day because I'm more prettier than you will ever be." She is right
she is gorgeous and most importantly she is a strong wolf. Nobody would ever want to be with a weak omega.

"You're probably a virgin and don't know how to please alphas in bed like I can and when they realize your useless they will come to me. Like they always have." I don't know why I feel possessiveness come over me. They aren't my mates they didn't even mark me. But I must not show weakness to her because she will keep attacking me.

"No they wont. They will mark me as their mate and then they will never want you. And if I ask them to they will kick you out of the pack. And we all know what happens to female rogues." I might have been in a abusive pack but at least I wasn't a rogue. That is why I never tried to escape there was no where to go. Female rogues are raped or killed by other rogues and have no chance of finding a mate without a pack.

Mary's face turn red in anger, and I feel accomplished to crack her cool exterior. As soon as my back was turned, I was slammed into the wall with brutal force. The breath whooshed out of my lungs on impact, the rough stone taking the skin off my nose and cheekbone. I tried to cry out, but I couldn't muster enough air to make a sound.

She yanked my hair back and I tripped. It caught me off guard and we both fell backwards with her landing on top of me. I hit the back of my head hard.

She punches me in the face. I'm still a little dazed from the fall and that blow to the face. But I grab what I could which was the back of her hair and yank. She screams. I can tell she hasn't felt true pain. She is probably used to fighting people who wouldn't want to fight back.

When I finally straightened up, I wasted no time. I no longer had any doubt that I was fighting for my life, and in order to have even the slightest chance of surviving, I had to act first.
I grab the closest thing to me which happens to be a lamp and I smash it into her face. She slumps down, passed out.

She wont be pretty anymore. I giggle and my giggle turns into a outright laugh at the absurdity of the situation. I look up and the woman look at me like i'm mad, I stop laughing.

Carol pulls me to her side away from the other women and whispers, "Come on, I need to tell you something," she pulls me out into the hall away from the women.

She places her hand on my face and it gets all tingly. She turns me around to the mirror on the wall and my face is completely healed.

"How did you—,"

"Never mind that. I don't want the alphas mad because of your face." I touch my face mystified.

"I can't believe I just exposed myself like that, just think about what mom would say," Sharon mumbles to herself walking back to the room.

I turn to follow her and I hear the bitch groan and I walk slowly towards her, she should have just stayed down. I stand over her and her eyes open a when she sees me it turns into a fierce glare.

I gather up all my strength and kick her in the stomach she goes flying back into the wall. But lucky me I picked up a few things from the beatings I got.

I get up I walk to her. She looks dazed. Oh shit she put a hole in the wall. Well I'm not getting in trouble cause her hard ass head bust a hole in the wall.

Its not necessary but I can't help myself I lean down towards her face.

"Bitch," I whisper. I kick her in the face.

"What the hell is going on here," I look up at Scar. She frowns.

Oh shit, am I in trouble?

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