Chapter 18 Marking

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Mia's POV
I cry out, waking up in a cold sweat. My dreams are so vivid, my Alpha kills Scar and Shane to get to me. Waking up is just another nightmare, I'm paranoid all day, because I know he is coming but, I don't know when, I don't know how, but I know he will come for me.

I couldn't bear it if he hurt anyone especially Scar or Shane because of me. My body starts to shake as the images from my dreams come back to me. Blood on their chest and faces. I close my eyes and press my face into my pillow as if to push the images out of my head.

"Shhh, its okay go back to sleep," Shane says and brushes my hair behind my ear and Scar pulls me back to her chest. "Don't cry, we wont let anything happen to you. It was just a dream."

I touch my hand to my cheeks and feel my tears, I didn't even realize I started crying. I take a deep breath, "M-my old a-alpha h-he u-used to... h-e used to-" I stop myself from sobbing and it came out as a strangled cough.

"You don't have to tell us if your not ready to." Shane gently brushes her lips with mine.

"No, I need to tell you what he did to me. He is evil, he used to beat me and he let the whole pack abuse me. He like to starve me till I was too weak to get up, then when he got bored with that he would drown me only to bring me back only to drown me again. He kept me in a small and dirty cell that used to be for savage wolves. And I wasn't the only girl he kept locked up." As I say this I think about Vicky and the way she died. I shake my head my alpha has taken too many people from me, but I won't let him take them.

"I don't know much about my life before I met him, all I remeber is running in the fields when I was 10, but after that when I think about it, my mind just goes blank. I don't know who my mother or father is but they are probably dead." Shane's whole body stays tense and her eyes are dark stormy clouds of fury. But still, I need to tell her why I can't trust people easy or why I have scars down my back. I want her to know why I am, the way that I am. I put my hand on her cheek and she closes her eyes. When she opens them again she looks calmer, her eyes have gone back to their normal color.

"Did he....did he touch you?" Shane sits up on the bed not looking at me. I sit up and put my arms around her, and I kiss her shoulder. "No, he did not touch me, he was waiting till I turned 16, I dont know why but I know every one of the gaurds where under strict orders not to rape me until my birthday. He has raped girls younger than me before so every night in the cell, I would lay there scared he would burst in and drag me with him. He promised me that after he had me, he would let all the guards have me as well as payment for watching me." Loud growls erupt from their mouths.

"I will kill him." I turn around and Scars face looked deadly, but my heart froze they don't know my alpha like I know him. He is not honorable, he will fight dirty and I couldn't bear to lose either of them.

"No," I grab both of their hands. "Please don't go after him. He will kill you, both."

"Mia we have fought worst then your disgrace for an alpha. We won't let him live knowing you fear he is after you. I told you we will protect you with our lives if we must." She stares into my eyes unwavering, not an ounce of fear, but I am afraid for them. Why can't they see even if they die protecting me a part of me will die with them.

"Please, don't go." Fresh tears pour out of my eyes in waves. "I can't- I cant lose you. I- I love you." I sob into my hands. Images of the girl's mutilated body come into my head but instead it has the face of Shane then it morphes into Scar.

She pulls my hands away from my eyes and tilts my chin up. "You love us?" She whispers.

"Yes, I love you don't you know that, by now?"

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