chapter 6 In Trouble

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Scar's POV

I can't even explain how angry I am I can feel my wolf pacing in my head wanting me to punish her right here in front of everyone. I want to, goddess I want to. But teaching her the pleasures of punishment will have to wait. I look at the hole in the wall to an unconscious Mary, then back to Mia. I can't believe my small mate could do that.

"What in the hell happened here?" I ask. All the ladies talk at once.

"One at a time," I yell. Grace, warrior Kyle's mate speaks up.

"Mary was being disrespectful to the Luna and they got into a fight." I look at Mia closely and see not a scratch on her face. But I see a small bruise on her collar bone peeking out of her dress. I take a deep breath to calm my raging wolf. No one touches our mate. I can feel my blood boiling Mary's lucky she's already unconscious.

I'm looking at the floor in instead of giving direct eye contact Vicky always said that we are not supposed to look alphas in the eyes. I gasp as I'm suddenly picked up and thrown onto a hard shoulder. I lay my hands flat on her back and push my self up till a slap to my bum knocks me down again I blush having all the women witness my embarrassment.

"Don't ever hide your beautiful face from me," she says while rubbing my butt she just slapped. My face turns an even darker shade of red. I'm not even beautiful I have plain brown hair and  brown eyes. Original,a nothing, I'm not a beauty like Vicky who had blonde hair and violet eyes and pink full lips. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice we where back in the suite until she put me down.

"What took y'all so long," Shane asks. As she scoots to the edge of the bed.

"Someone was a very bad girl while we were gone." Scar says while pushing me closer to Shane. I look up at Shane's raised eyebrows.

"Go ahead tell her what you did but I can't say she will take it as well as I did." I gulp. Will she beat me? I don't know the rules of this pack. What if I get punished for fighting even though Mary started it.

She grabs my face, "What the hell is this." Her thumb brushes my bruise on my collar bone. Her eyes turn pitch black her nostril flares. I flinch.

"Um Mary...uh punched me," I say looking down. Shane growls.

"Did you hit her back?" I smile it doesn't sound like she was upset. And a rush of pride spread through me from protecting myself.

"Yeah, I kicked her in the face." I hear Scar cough covering up her laughter. I giggle a little too.

"This is not funny, what you did was childish and immature. Go apologize to Mary now." What?

"But–," Her eyes darken even more if that's even possible.

"That wasn't a question, if you don't go say sorry now I will punish you right now for disobedience. Then take you downstairs by force to apologize."

"No." I feel betrayed. My chest felt heavy as if someone was sitting on it. Was she not going to hear my side? This was so unfair I wasn't even thinking of the consequences of saying no to an Alpha.

"Then come here and take your punishment," what! Why am I punished and not that bitch Mary?

"But Mary—," she held up her hand. How can I say that Mary attacked me first if she won't let me speak.

"Over my lap, please." No, I shake my head. But she grabs my arm as to stop me from running away.

"Shane, no. I'll be good. I will go say sorry." Bile rose up in my throat. I wanted to throw up. I don't know where this pride is coming from but I knew I didn't want to apologize.

Scars POV

"Yes you will say sorry, but we don't take disobedience lightly. We are no longer in your little pack but in a huge one where there is danger. Following rules can save your life, therefore we must know that you will obey us in all things. It is our job to keep you safe, but your job to listen so we may do so. Now over my knees." Shane's voice got deeper as she used her alpha voice to command her.

Mia glances at me seeking a pardon. I wanted so badly to ask Shane to spare her but I would not undermine her authority. We must provide a united front. "Your delay has added five additional strikes of Shane's palm," I told her. "Would you like to delay any longer and make it ten?"

She scurried to obey realizing the consequences was growing. When she positioned herself correctly, her belly pressing onto Shane's thighs, her feet just barely touched the floor. Her hair a curtain about her head.

Lifting the dress we put on her before she met the women, Shane tugged it up to bunch around her waist. Her panties were a hindrance. Shane ripped the delicate material exposing the pale globes of her bum. Mia gasps.

She strategically placed her so I could get a good glimpse. "Spread your legs please," Shane asked her.

She shook her head in defiance.

Shane spanked her bum. Her palm landing a firm strike against her left cheek.


Mia jolted and cried out more in surprise then in pain. The hit hadn't been overly hard; it was more of a warning, a introduction than true punishment.

Quickly realizing Shane was serious, she widened her legs and I could see her cunt clearly as Shane began to spank her. My pussy got wet at the sweet sight.

"Count, please."

Each strike landed somewhere new on her untried bottom, the skin turning light pink, yet quickly turning darker as she counted. It was an arousing sight. When she called out the tenth strike she was crying, yet the fight left her. Instead of of kicking out and wiggling her hips, she'd given up and took her punishment, her body lax. Shane's strikes weren't overly hard but for her to learn the consequences of her actions. She would have turned over a knee if she did something that would put her safety in jeopardy.

Seeing her accept the error of her ways was a sweet sight. Her submission was beautiful and I was very pleased. Shane, no doubt, was too.

"Fifteen," she sobbed.

Gently, Shane caressed her hit flesh. "You did beautifully, sweetheart, taking your punishment like a good girl."

I helped her up and gave her a kiss. "Go say sorry, she is probably still in the room."

She leaves out the door smoothing down her dress and wiping her tears away.

-District Queen

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