Chapter 2 - Closer

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"You're telling me she didn't recognize you? Even after talking to you?" A twenty-one year old Clemont asked in amazement as he sits down, slouching on a chair
He had been asleep the night before when his friend decided to come in so he didn't get the story until now.

Twenty-three year old Ash Ketchum grinned,

"I walked in and I thought she might know who I was but, turns out she didn't! I was kinda surprised, but then again, we both have grown and look different."

"How many years has it been anyway?"

Ash lifted a glass of orange juice to his mouth and drank, Finally he said, "Um...about...thirteen years? Yeah, cause I moved away with Mom when we were both around nine."

"Well, from the way you always used to tease her throughout elementary school, I'm not surprised that she's wiped your memory clean from her mind," Clemont responded. "So, what's your plan?"

"Plan?" Ash asked with a raised eyebrow.

The Clemont rolled his eyes. "I know you didn't come back here last night without revealing who you were just for the heck of it. Spill."

"Since I'm crashing at your place while I'm here, I figure I might as well find out more about Serena and how she's been, without letting her know who I am. Just for old time's sake you know?" Ash smiled.

"Meaning you're going to play a huge joke on her at her expense, right?" Clemont said, narrowing his eyebrow

"Isn't that how it always was?"

"And exactly how do you plan to go about with this joke? What are you gonna do?"

"I'm not sure yet...I'm kind of making this up as I go along."

"Ash, you're a grown man and you're going to play such a prank on a childhood friend?"

Clemont received a mischievous grin from Ash.

"Poor Sere," Clemont muttered. Slightly shaking his head with his eyes closed.

"So you like a man who has a sense of humor and caring?" Serena repeated to  The young woman sitting across from Serena nodded, her brown hair falling into her bright eyes. "Yes. And of course, he's got to be handsome."

"Of course," Serena replied, scribbling a note into her notebook. "Anything else?"

"Not that I can think of! When will I hear back from you?"

"Well, I have a few men in mind that may be a suitable match for you. I should be expecting even more men later on today so they could work as well. I'll give you a call by Tuesday, Miss Singer."

Miss Singer stood. "Call me Melody, please. We're about the same age anyway."

Serena grinned as she stood as well. "Alright Melody. Thanks for stopping in!"

Melody flashed a smile. The two women walked to the counter so Melody could pay, making small talk in between.

Ring! The doorbell jingled and both heads turned to gape at the young man. It was the same man from the night before. Serena quickly shot a glance at the heart-shaped wall clock. He was early. Ten minutes early to be exact.

"Why, hello there Miss Serena! Nice seeing your lovely sight again," he said, with a wave while Serena tried hard not to stare at the hard curve of muscle as he lifted his arm. His brown eyes flickered over to Melody.

"Hello. Are you perhaps a friend of Miss Serena's?"

Extending his hand, Melody allowed the man to gently shake it before she replied, "I'm one of her clients, Melody Singer. How do you do?"

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