Chapter 17 - Brock's advise

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"I know you've always wanted to beat Gary at everything but I really did not expect this from you Ash," Brock said shaking his head as the two men stood in Brock's kitchen Saturday morning. "Pitiful."

Ash opened the fridge and pulled out a carton of eggs. "I know, I know!"

He felt bad enough as it was without Brock rubbing salt in his wounds. If he had even suspected that he would make such a mess of things, then Ash would never have stepped a foot outside.

"What's done is done," Brock commented taking the carton from Ash and placing it on the counter.

Ash glared. "Thank you Mr. Obvious."

"Hey you're the one who came to me for advice."

"Something I'm beginning to regret," Ash muttered pulling out the bread next. He went over to the toaster oven and tossed in a few slices.

To say he had been sucked into a spiral of mass confusion would be an understatement. He hadn't just been sucked in. He had created the spiral and dove in blindly. He hadn't known so many emotions could run through a person all at the same time and make them crazy.

That's what girls were made for.

But apparently, guys could experience mixed feelings too as Brock told him after Ash relayed the events of the past few days to his friend.

Worse, his first formal dinner date with Melody had been thoroughly enjoyable.

The only problem was that the entire night, Ash kept seeing Serena's face layover atop Melody's.

It wasn't until Ash was dropping Melody off to her hotel and when she gave him a hasty and shy peck on the cheek did he truly understand the black hole of misfortune he had created single-handedly all thanks to his wonderfully stupid brain.

Wasn't college supposed to help you get rid of that part of yourself that made you do dumb things?

"What do I do?" Ash wailed pulling out the breakfast plates as Brock chopped an onion to add to the egg mix.

"Okay first off, let's take a step back and take a look at the situation," Brock suggested dumping the onions into the bowl. "And get me a tomato."

Ash heeded as Brock cut into the red fruit, Ash leaned against the fridge. "Well. Serena and Melody both think I'm Alvin Ketter, desk boy at Oak Tech when I'm really Ash Ketchum, Junior VP. There's a big difference in status, earnings, and fame right there. Serena told me I was her first crush when we were kids, so when I saw her the other day, I felt like kissing her and almost did. Even though I guess I'm sort of dating Melody who I think might really like me because she kissed me on the cheek last night. Serena is the one who set up Melody and me. And um, I have another date with Melody tonight and haven't spoken to or seen Serena since Wednesday."

"You sound like some character in a soap opera!" Brock said as he calmly slid the tomato cubes from his cutting board into the bowl. Then without warning, he whirled around to face Ash and pointed the knife at him.

"All we need now is for you to knock up Melody and find out your best friend in actually in love with her and she wants to abort the baby because she doesn't want to be reminded of you even though you're anti-abortion while Serena runs off with your rival who ends up being your long-lost brother leaving you to wonder about your sexual orientation."


A ray of sunlight went through the vented blinds and reflected against the knife's sharp edge, giving it a dangerous gleam.

Finally, "I am perfectly aware of my sexual orientation and have no need to wonder,"

Brock lowered the knife. "You're worried about that over the fact that Serena could run off with your rival and Melody be pursued by your best friend?"

"Seeing as how Gary Oak is both my best friend and rival, then that would be one disgusted twisted plot. Believable because it's Gary, but Disgusting," Ash said evenly then his voice rose as he shouted. "What is wrong with you!? I ask you for advice and instead you want to make things more complicated? And why do you know so much about soap opera drama?"

Brock shrugged and turned back to his bowl, picking it up and mixing its contents. "It's a way to connect with the chicks."

"Like it's done you any good."

"I'll have you know, Jenny has only rejected me twice this week."

"How many times did you ask her out?"


"I rest my case."

Ash went over to the small table and pulled out a chair. "Look, are you going to help me figure this out or not?"

"It's simple really."


Ash watched Brock start pouring the omelet mixture into a large frying pan.


"I'm not telling you," Brock replied covering the pan with a lid.

"What? Why not?"

Brock joined Ash at the table.

"Listen, the Point being, you got yourself into this mess. You have to get yourself out. Analyze your situation. Think about each woman and your feelings for her and sort it out. Not being honest has gotten you into this mess so maybe being honest will get you out."

The two men stared at one another.

"That's it?" the younger one said.

"What do you mean 'that's it'? That's some of my best stuff!" Brock exclaimed.

"No wonder you have girl troubles."

"Hey, I wouldn't talk if I were you. In fact, another word out of you and you make your own breakfast."

"Shutting up now."

Truthfully though, Brock was right. Maybe it was time to start being more honest with his feelings and with the women before things really did turn into a soap opera.

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