Chapter 12 - Bushes and Bugs

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Laughter escaped from the young woman's lips like wind chimes on a breezy day and Ash couldn't help but smile at the pure beauty of it. No matter how much he had prayed before the date that Melody Singer might actually possess a serious character flaw or perhaps even reveal that she had a fake nose, this was not the case. Her physical appeal was equally matched with her charm.

In fact, their casual lunch date Thursday afternoon at a little Italian restaurant from Serena's list had been nothing short of enjoyable.

Truth to be told, Ash hadn't been on a date in a while simply because he couldn't really ever tell if the women wanted him for being just Ash Ketchum or wanted him for the title he carried.

But Melody did not know about the situation. And therefore Melody's true sincerity gushed out through every word she spoke, her hazel eyes shining with honesty and her smile leaving you wanting more.

So it was no wonder that as they walked along a winding path in the local park after lunch, Ash felt very confused indeed.

They passed a young couple, not much older than themselves, shouting excited words of encouragement to the toddler that was struggling to stand up between them without their help.

"How cute!" Melody pointed out.

Ash nodded. "He's trying so hard!"

Melody giggled as the baby managed to heave himself to a standing position, take a few steps towards his mother before losing balance and tottering back till he fell onto his diaper-cushioned rear.

"My niece should be about that age," she said fondly.

"The one you mentioned before?"

Melody nodded and clasped her hands behind her back as they continued walking. "Yup. My older sister's daughter but I haven't seen them for a few months since I've been traveling."

"I bet you miss them."

"Yeah. Carol sends me pictures of little Maya but it's not the same. But," Melody's voice took on an excited pitch as she swung to face Ash. "I get to go home after my stay here in Vanville! I can't wait!"

Ash laughed at the candid expression on her face and patted her on the shoulder. "I bet Maya can't wait to see her Auntie Melody."

"Would you like to see her Alvin?"

Ash stopped walking. See Maya? Leave Kalos and go with Melody to Shamouti Island? Of course, she wasn't leaving for a few weeks so who knew what stage they'd be at in their relationship by then but still, he didn't think things would move this fast. He didn't even know how he felt about her yet!
For goodness sake, he had almost kissed Serena only yesterday!

Apparently Melody hadn't sensed Ash's awkward thought process as she whipped out her cell phone and flipped it open, thrusting the screen in his face from where a chubby-faced baby shot him a grin, a few tiny teeth peeking out.

"Isn't she adorable?"

"Oh," Ash said breathing a deep sigh of relief. Really, he needed to calm down. He was behaving like a school girl! Taking the phone, he nodded with a smile. "Very."

Melody smiled and started talking about how Maya had tried to chew threw a pair of her slippers when she first started crawling and Ash tried to force his mind to stop having so many bizarre thoughts.

Serena couldn't help but wonder if Alvin Ketter and Melody Singer were on their date right now. Or perhaps they already had one. Or were planning on one for the weekend.

She wondered if Alvin smirked, that despicable smirk at Melody and if so, would she still stick with him. Maybe he only smirked at Serena in which case, Melody would be fooled into believing that Alvin was not an annoying man and therefore it was quite possible that she would fall for his false facade.

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