Chapter 7 - Snap shot

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"Serena's Matchmaking Service, Serena speaking. How may I help you?"

A familiar voice on the other end of the line replied, "Hi Serena! This is Melody Singer and I'm returning your call from yesterday."

Serena who had been slouching in her chair behind the counter at her shop for the past hour waiting for some business now sat up straight at hearing Melody's response.

She coughed and then said, "Melody! Hello how are you doing?"

"Pretty good. And yourself?"

"Just Fine. Thank you for calling me back so soon."

"I should be the one thanking you for calling me on a Sunday. You don't take your business lightly, do you?"

Serena shook her head into the phone with a smile. "Nope. I like to keep my clients near the top of my priority list." That and I need to get rid of a certain despicable man. She thought

"So you said you may have found a match?" Melody asked.

"Well, possibly. I just need to ask a few questions to see if you fit a some of his requirements. I've already discussed your requirements with him and he fits many of them."

"Oh wonderful! Sure I don't mind at all. What're the questions?"

"Just give me one moment," Serena  said as she clicked open the new client files she had created that weekend on 'Alvin Ketter' and 'Melody Singer.' They popped up one at a time and she brought Melody's file to the forefront. "Okay ready. So just a few quick things. I take it you are self-sufficient since you work, correct?"

"Yes. My earnings are not amazing but it's currently enough for me to live comfortably with the gigs I get singing," Melody replied.

Serena typed her response into her file. "Next question is: would you consider yourself a romantic?"

Pause. Serena could hear Melody's steady breathing as she seemed to be pondering this. Then, "Well, I do like a good chick flick every now and then if that counts."

"Okay," Serena said, typing that note. She didn't know if it would count with Alvin but it was good enough for her. Serena would make it count! She looked at the next question she had to ask Melody and mentally groaned. Hoping she wouldn't scare off the girl with such an incompetent-sounding question, Serena asked the final one. "Do you like cats?"

Another pause.


Serena sighed. "Yes. Just um, do you like them?"

"That's a really weird requirement," Melody commented and Serena  silently agreed. "I mean, I don't particularly favor them but if I see one I'm not the type to flip out. I can hold my own with a cockroach if needed."

At this, Serena laughed and responded. "Ok," typing that note and looked at another question on the computer which she was relived that there weren't any. "Anyways that's it for the questions for now"

"So am I a match with this mystery man?" Melody asked with a hint of teasing in her voice.

"Let me review the forms real quick," Serena replied scanning Melody's answers against Alvin's file. Though she was in a hurry to get the man off her back, she still had to be a professional about it and follow procedure for the matchmaking process. It wouldn't do to set him up with the wrong girl because that would mean he'd only come back until she did find him the right one.

After a few moments, Serena decided that Melody's responses were a fairly close fit with what Alvin wanted and vice versa.

She said into the phone, "Well Melody. It looks like this could work if you're willing to give it a try."

"Yup. That's why I signed up!"

"Great. Now you've actually already met this gentleman." She said and thought. "He had come in right when you were leaving on Saturday."

"Oh! The one with the nice biceps?"

Serena blushed slightly at the memory but couldn't help but grin. "So you noticed too huh?"

Melody giggled. "Are you allowed to be checking out your own clients Serena ?"

"I-I wasn't – I mean I –"

"Kidding! Kidding!" Melody said with a laugh. "Perhaps we should find you a match, eh?"

"Thanks but I'll pass. Anyways his name is Alvin Ketter," Serena said and followed by giving Melody his phone number. She told her some information about Alvin as well so that when they had their phone conversation, she'd have some things to start off with. The two women chatted a few minutes more.

"So you'll start with phone conversations and if those go well, you tell me and we work together to set up a first date," Serena  said. "Any questions for now?"

"Nope. I guess we'll start with this and get the ball rolling. Thank you!"

"My pleasure. And don't hesitate to contact me at any time for any reason," Serena  said.

"I won't. Take care. Bye!"

"Bye bye."

With that, Serena hung up the phone and sat back with a smile. She glanced at the computer screen where Alvin Ketter's profile picture gazed back and her smiled disappeared.
Dratted man. Even his picture seemed to smirk at her and she had taken that picture catching him completely off guard! With a violent click of the mouse, she X-ed out of his file and watched with satisfaction as his face winked back into the hard drive. If only it were as easy with the real thing.

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