Chapter 27 - Sorry

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"I know you know that I made those mistakes maybe once or twice...By once or twice, I mean maybe a couple of hundred times" Brock sang out in a terrible rendition of Justin bieber as he stumbled along the uneven sidewalk.

He pointed to Kaiwe who did some sort of twirl before he sang out in rather decent voice, " So let me, oh let me redeem, oh redeem myself tonight...Cause I just need one more shot at second chance."

At this point Ash threw his arms around the other two.

"Take it away Ash!" Kaiwe exclaimed loudly.

Ash released the others. He used the empty bottle he held as a microphone and placed another hand in his pocket.

"Eh.. Is it too late now to say sorry?... Cause I'm.. missing more than just your body....Is it too late now to say sorry?...Yeah! I know that I let you down, Is it too late to say that I'm sorry now? Take it away Gary!"


Cars zoomed by them on the city streets.

Loud music resonated from a nearby club.

"I said take it away Gary!" Ash repeated thrusting the bottle-mic in Gary's face.

Gary frowned and in one swift movement, grabbed the bottle and smashed it against the sidewalk.

"My mic!"

"You guys are so lame! Biebers?"

Brock stopped walking and turned to face Gary while Ash stared desolately down at the broken pieces of his pseudo-mic.

"Who else man? He gets the girls!" Brock started singing again, "I'll take every single piece of the blame if you want me to...But you know that there is no innocent one in this game for two"

"I'll go, I'll go and then you go, you go out and spill the truth...Can we both say the words and forget this?" Kaiwe continued then looked at Ash.

Ash was still staring at the sidewalk where his beloved bottle lay murdered.

"Ash. Your turn," Kaiwe hinted with a nudge.

"I-I can't," Ash finally said looking up sadly. "Gary killed Mikey!"

"Mikey?" Gary asked incredulously. "You named a bottle?"

"He was a friend!" Ash cried out. "He helped me to sing!"

Gary shook his head in disgust and roughly punched Ash in the arm. Then he turned on the others. "Man up! You all are acting like a bunch of losers!"

"Technically speaking, we are," Brock said then waved his arms down the street in no particular direction. "We're headed to Rooney's Bar were men like us tend to congregate."

"Men like us?" Ash asked raising his eyebrow, poor Mikey now forgotten in lieu of the conversation.

"Losers," Brock clarified. "The dumpees. Well, except Ash who was the dumper. The lonely hearts. The leftovers. The-"

"Okay Brock," Kaiwe said through gritted teeth as the men continued walking. "We get the point."

"Speak for yourselves," Gary huffed, rolling up his shirt sleeves, his suit jacket forgotten somewhere at Brock's. "I am no loser. I'm Gary freaking Oaker"

"Says the man who got beat up by his own date," Ash commented dryly following Brock and Kaiwe who had disappeared around a corner.

After coming to the conclusion that every bottle in Brock's little apartment had not even a drop of liquid left, the group of single men decided their moping was only beginning so Brock suggested they hit the downtown bar scene.

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