Chapter 9 - Player

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Love really knows no age, nor time, nor place. It just is, Serena thought with a smile as she waved at the latest couple who had found their match in her shop Wednesday afternoon. Both parties had lost their first spouses to cancer but now, the widowed Harriet Spencer found love again at the beautiful age of sixty-five with seventy-two year old Gregory West.

And Serena couldn't help but feel extremely pleased that she had been able to help in putting those wonderful smiles on those wonderful people.

Both Mrs. Spencer and Mr. West had visited Serena's shop a month ago for the first time. Now matched up successfully, they had just stopped by to invite Serena to their wedding which was to be held the following weekend.

"When you're as old as we are, you don't want to waste any time," Mr. West had joked while casting a loving gaze at his bride-to-be.

Serena couldn't stop smiling as she carefully opened the envelope with a finger and pulled out the lavender invitation. It was simple yet elegant and there was a picture of the smiling couple inserted inside the card with a special note of thanks for Serena .

She could feel the joy and pure love, the energy from the photo and couldn't help but think back to her conversation with Shauna on finding a man for herself. Not that she wasn't happy. No, she hadn't lied to Shauna when she said she was perfectly fine with the way things were.

But she would wait her turn and for now continuing helping others.

As she turned to pin the photo to her Wall of Love Fame, her shop phone rang.

"Serena's Matchmaking Service, Serena speaking. How may I help you?"

"Hi Serena . It's Melody!"

Serena placed the photo on the counter anxiously. Was she calling to say Alvin wasn't working out? Meaning that despicable man would be back to cause her unwanted confusion?

"How are you doing Melody?" Serena said realizing she had left her client hanging in silence. "How are things with Alvin?"

"That's why I'm calling actually," Melody responded.

Oh dear. This is it, Serena thought and her heart raced a little faster. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

"I was wondering, when do we move on to the next step?"

Serena let out the breath she was holding. "Excuse me?"

"Well we've been talking quite often the past few days, Alvin and I. During lunch breaks, in the evenings and sometimes before bed. Just getting to know each other like you said. So I was thinking, maybe it's time for a face-to-face meeting?"

"I – uh..." Get a grip Serena, the matchmaker told herself. "Right. Well, I think that's an excellent idea. Does Mr. Ketter feel the same?"

"I mentioned it to him last night and he said if that's what you suggest."

"Ah yes, well a face-to-face meeting is the next step," Serena slowly said, knowing she wasn't sounding too professional at the moment. What on earth was wrong with her? One little notion from Shauna that she might be attracted to Alvin and suddenly her mind went dysfunctional at the mere mentioning of him!?

Serena continued speaking, "I think a date is a good idea. Usually I suggest keeping the first one a bit casual like a simple lunch or coffee date. You and the other party make the final plans based on my suggestions and guidelines and then if that works out, a second date is set up, this time something a little fancier and more intimate like dinner or a movie."

"Wonderful! I can't wait. Alvin has been extremely attentive and responsive during our talks. Usually men either go on about themselves or just don't really pay attention to you when you're talking, especially on the phone," Melody said in a excited pitch. "I have one more question."

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