Chapter 1

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The hamsters find their way into my clothes and start mercilessly tickling me.

"AHAHAHAHA" I laugh.

"Who are you and how did you find your way into my lair, peasant?" The man shouts at me.

"I-I'll tell you I-if you get your hamsters to STOP TICKLING ME!" I plead the man desperately.

"Fine then, Sun-D, Maga-Z, Jum-P, Cham-P, RETURN!"

After I calm down a bit from being... "attacked" I look up at the man, I now notice his... peculiar features. He has one red eye, one grey eye, and a scar running down the left side of his face. He is also wearing a purple scarf around his neck.

The more I stare at the scarf, the more I see small movements underneath. Now that I think about it... when he was back in the room with the hamsters, didn't I see them crawl up his sleeve into his scarf?

So...that means....the hamsters...LIVE IN HIS SCARF? So I guess that's where they came from when he flung them at me earlier...

I decide now is a good a time as ever to tell him my name, so I respond to his comment with a shy look and the words


At this moment the mysterious man pulls his scarf up to his nose and I can see a deep blush peeking out from under the purple fabric. AWWWWW! HES SO CUTE~"

He then looks away from me, avoiding my piercing gaze.

After awhile of us just standing there in this uncomfortable atmosphere I hear the man mutter some words that were muffled by his scarf, but I'm pretty sure he said


"What?!" I blurt out, startled by the sudden noise after sitting in silence for so long.

"MY NAME IS GUNDHAM TANAKA, YOU PEASANT! NOW BOW TO YOUR SUPREME OVERLORD!" the man shouts back, startling me with his sudden shift in attitude.

"...." I just give the man this startled look of *no comment*

And then, as if he couldn't get any more wierd, he suddenly bursts into this fit of evil, demonic laughter


I have a feeling....this is going to be one strange ass summer,

Mom, Dad, what have you gotten me into?

Gundham Tanaka X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now